Start from the beginning

"He's attractive but I heard that he has an awful attitude." Another added, empathizing on your fiancé's terrible personality. She wasn't wrong, necessarily.

You turned your attention back to Scaramouche, relaying the same sentiment of boredom as you had said earlier. "Scaramouche, I want to return home." You wanted to leave, tired of hearing the rumors about the two of you swirl around.

"You can wait another hour, then we'll go home." Scaramouche snapped back, leaning over to your side to rasp against your skin. You rolled your eyes at his response.

"This is dull. I could be doing so much more right now." You retorted, watching as an unfamiliar face made his way over to the two of you with a glass of bubbly champagne in hand. A middle-aged man dressed in a dapper black tuxedo suit. His graying black hair is slicked by with gel, combed neatly. He greeted you with a bow, lowering his head in acknowledgment of you and your fiancé's positions.

"My lord, I am honored to finally make your acquaintance." You raised an eyebrow, intrigued that he was rather fluent in Liyue's dialectic speech. "Normally I wouldn't greet one in my native tongue but for 'Teyvat's  Beloved' who hails from Liyue, I suppose I should make an exception. My name is Wang Tian Yu, leader of the Black Dragons syndicate in Liyue. I was once acquainted with your father when he was younger."

The Black Dragons are a crime syndicate, one whom mastered the skills of assassination, torture, and blackmail. Originating in Liyue, their reach slowly extended to other nations. You had heard of them in your youth. Your adoptive father had long been friends with the syndicate and expected you to retain that very friendship. Though, it made you wonder, what sketchy deeds did your father participate in for him to be acquainted with the Black Dragons?

"It's very nice to meet you." You greeted in return, speaking in your native tongue. Though Teyvat shared one universal language, you grew up speaking the Liyue dialectic way of speech as a part of your study.

In the corner of your eye, you watched your fiancé's expression morph into one of curiosity. "I've heard aplenty about you in my youth from my adoptive father. It is my honor to finally meet the leader of the Black Dragons."

"It is I who is honored." Tian Yu lowered his head, smiling at you. His eyes flickered to your fiancé, noticing that Scaramouche has been inching closer to you with every second of conversation. "Greetings to you, Lord Scaramouche. I do apologize for speaking to your fiancé without saluting you." He switched to the universal language in acknowledgement of the Harbinger.

"I can speak the language just fine. No need to patronize me." Scaramouche replied arrogantly, surprising you and Tian Yu with the discovery that he is capable of speaking Liyue's dialectic language. Tian Yu's eyes widened slightly, rendered speechless by your fiancé's bluntness.

"My apologies, my lord... I did not consider that." Tian Yu looked rather flushed at his mistake, lowering his head in shame. He cleared his throat awkwardly, eyes glazed over with unease as he tightened his grip upon the glass of champagne.

"I bid you two farewell and congratulations on the engagement. May the two of you have a happy marriage." Tian Yu nodded to you before leaving you in a rather amused contingency with your current predicament.

"I didn't know you spoke more than one language." You chuckled, glancing over at Scaramouche.

"I can speak several languages perfectly fine. Harbingers are expected to communicate in whatever means is most convenient for our partners after all." Scaramouche said passively, his attention turning to you. "I'm sure you can speak plenty of languages yourself. Why do you seem so surprised?"

𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍 ↷ scaramouche x reader  Where stories live. Discover now