The redheaded broom

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-... And then I said : "You're sure about that man, 'cause your "friends" just ran away. Not that I could blame them, I'm known to be..."

Alex was partly listening to Rowan, knowing that half of his story was fake. He'd be lucky if they reach class 5 before the other man could start another fulsome tale. Sighing quietly, he looked away from his redheaded friend, realizing that actually less than half of his story was true.

- You should've seen the look on his face when I through that punch ! Wait, I used my elbow, so I should say : "When I elbowed him", right ?

Alex started giggling almost timidly, amused by the dumb and useless comment Rowan just made.

- Yeah, you could say that. You could also say that you "hyper elbowed" him.


Turning around just in time to see Ben running towards them, Alex successfuly avoided the warm embrace of his taller friend. Seeing Ben obvious disapointment, he decided to greet him with a friendly tap on his shoulder, knowing how he gets when they don’t share at least one physical contact every day.

- Woah Ben, what happened to your cheek !?

- My cheek ?

A bluish bruise marked his right cheek, looking kinda sore. Ben brushed the wound with the tip of his finger, wincing a little because of the pain it caused him.

Ben then turned to Alex, who were trying really hard to avoid the offended glare his friend was sending him.

– A certain someone was really angry at me and thought it was a good idea to avenge his honor by bicth slapping me.

– I already apoligized. Ten times...

Ben smiled softly at his friend, knowing he kinda deserved it, at the time. He shouldn’t have compared him to a strong looking princess, after all.

Rowan, fully aware of the critical situation he was in, decided to distract them by asking, trying to sound relaxed.

– So Ben, what’s up ? You looked eager to say something just now.

– Oh oh oh, right ! I’ve got wonderful news !

Now intrigued by their friend childish behavior, Rowan and Alex looked at Ben, silently asking him to go on.

– Kim Tea is going to make an appearance at the library ! And he’s going to read his newest story !

At this point, Ben looked more like an over excited child than a grown and over powered teenager. He was jumping enthusiastically around them, his eyes sparkling with pure joy. And his smile was so bright they were scared to lose their sight by just looking at it.

There was time when Ben wasn’t a human but the freaking sun.

Alex was glad to see his friend acting so stupidly. Let’s just say it was a heart warming sight.

– So you’re finally meeting your idol !

The only answer Alex was getting was an high pitched noise coming from Ben throat, making him and Rowan laugh lightly.

– Do you guys wanna go with me ? I don’t know if I could face my "God" without someone else besides me... It’s this saturday evening.

The two man shared a knowing look, fully aware of their inability to escort Ben to his personnal paradise.

– Sorry dude, we’ve got something to do that day...

– But don’t worry ! A childbook author cannot be that intimidated, right ? You’re gonna be okay, I’m sure of it !

The smile they were giving him was enough to reassure him that everything was gonna be alright. He wasn’t gonna throw up, he wasn’t gonna cry and he wasn’t gonna faint in front of Kim Tea.  It’s not like he was gonna face Donald Na, right ?

Everything will be alright.

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