Chapter 26 / you should not have done that

Start from the beginning

"Does he feel the same?"ayanami asked herself  but OF was hearing this and curiosity got the better of him

"What is she talking about?"OF asked himself then she spoke again

"What if he does?" Ok now OF was even more confused he wanted to go there and ask it himself but he doesn't

"I sure do know one thing...............i love you OF" this made OF pass out and drops to the ground and ayanami hears it

"Huh? *turns around* *gasp* OF!"

Ayanami ran to OF who is on the ground passed out

"OF OF OF Hey wake up its me ayanami"

No response

"OF Grrrrr baka wake up dummy before i make you"

Still nothing ayanami has had enough lifted OF's head and slapped him



"H-huh? Oh hi ayanami what am i doing ?"

"You just dropped out of nowhere behind me WERE YOU FOLLOWING ME?"

"No i wasn't"

OF's memory of what ayanami said was erased no atoms whatsoever

"Stopp lying baka *slap* if you weren't following me WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

"To take some fresh air tsundere cutie"

"*blushes* w-why you b-baka"

"Sheesh your such a tsundere"

"I-im not A T- TSUNDERE"

"Pfft yeah right like how you called me baka over and over again cant stop it sorry"

"Anyways its late as hell why don't we go back?"

"Ok"ayanami said

But before she could take another step OF carried her bridal style to the dorm

"*BLSUHING INTENSIFIES* b-baka w-wh-what are you you doing?"

"I dunno"

They reached their dorm and OF puts ayanami on her bed softly while ayanami turned her head of embarrassment but just after OF puts her down she slaps him in the face

"Oww dammit ayanami what was that for?"

"I can walk you know baka"

"*chuckles* such a taundere cutie"

Wothout anything to say she covers her face with a pillow turns around and pulls the cover

"Goodnight baka"

"Cant really let go the baka words huh? Seems like every girl says baka now"

OF heads to bed but before he does that he decided to listen to music while sleeping mostly sleeping musics and stuff and then he drifted to sleep but he had a dream

Pacific rim (gipsy avenger) x azur laneWhere stories live. Discover now