There was a long silence 

“what you said before…About keeping them in your heart…”he didn’t make eye contact never talking about this with someone before “How do you even know it works?”

“well levi you’re not the only one that has lost someone here, no one can go through life without having losing something important..” she stood up walking over to him “But, keeping it hidden is the worst thing to do levi…You know you can talk to me about these things your my friend” she smiled,

“I’m not very open to others if you haven’t noticed Hanji” he told her and she chuckled 

“oh I know, that’s why I try to help you by reading how you act’ he paused and looked at her

“Hanji, there are few people in this world who try as hard as you.” She looked surprised and smiled wider

“Are you giving me a complement Levi?” he rolled his eyes 

“Don’t be so proud of yourself about it Hanji.” She chuckled again and walked to her window and stared at the night sky

“Levi, one day we won’t be here anymore and we have to trust the ones after us to lead you know. One day we are going to be killed or become old and not able to fight anymore” she told him and he walked up behind her 

“That’s a scary thing to talk about Hanji. I hope we are able to defeat the Titans by then” 

“yes me to, but at the same time….I don’t want to win..” Levi looked confused 

“What do you mean Hanji?”

“All of this made us who we are now…Its terrible I know and I want it to end but when it dose then what? We won’t have jobs we won’t have the friends and family we had before….It’s a cruel world Levi “ he sighed and nodded 

“We have known it was since birth…But when we finally win it will be the beautiful world for the ones after us. The things we have lost that other children don’t have to experience…” He told her and she smiled and turned around to him

“I’m glad you are talking to me about this right now Levi” 

Levi stared at her and couldn’t help himself to smile slightly back. He truly did like Hanji, she was an amazing person.  He couldn’t fight back the fact he and feelings for her. Without another thought more he reached up pulling her head down slightly and kissed her lips softly. Hanji’s eyes widen in surprise but quickly kissed back until they broke the kiss.

“Well that was unexpected Levi” she chuckled and he rolled his eyes 

“Tch, whatever four-eyes” She walked and sat down on her bed again

“Levi, because you did that I’m going to tell you this” she looked at him as he walked over “I love you” She smiled and Levi’s eyes widened slightly before responding and reaching down touching her cheek.

“I love you to Hanji” He spoke softly “I should head back to my room now. Tomorrow we have to be well rested so get sleep. And promise me one thing Hanji”

“what?” She asked 

“Don’t ever leave me understand?”  She paused looking up at him

“I won’t Levi, I promise” He smiled slightly and bent down and kissed her forehead.

“Good, now goodnight” He left.

The next morning Levi got dressed in his uniform and walked to Hanji’s room and knocked on her door. She answer it quickly already in uniform.

“Come on Hanji we are all ready to go outside the walls” he started walking off and she smiled and followed happily.

Later on outside the walls Levi stood on the ground and looked at the more titans coming forward. Who knows how many have died already, there’s just to many Titans…He looked around in search of Hanji but she was nowhere to be found. He sighed in annoyance and flew off in search of her. 

 How stupid could she really be leaving the group on her own like that? He went far away from the others until he heard a scream that echoed through his ears, it was Hanji’s voice he knew it well. His eyes widen as he flew as fast as he could to it to only fin a titan and her laying on the ground as it reached down to grab her already blood covered body that wasn’t moving.

His eyes narrowed as he flew at the titan cutting its neck and quickly landed to Hanji bending down to see her. Her eyes where hardly open but she was still breathing.

“Hanji!” he yelled and she smiled looking at him as he took her hand and tried to pick her up “Come on Hanji we can get you help now you idiot!” She stopped him.

“Levi..” she spoke softly but he continued to try and pick her up “Levi Stop..” he finally stopped and looked at her “I’ve lost to much blood…Don’t waste your strength..” He starred down as tears formed in his eyes

“No don’t you dare say that you will be fine, your fine Hanji your fine..” he told her and she reached up touching his cheek to quiet him.

“Levi…please stop..” he shook his head

“You promised me Hanji! I can’t lose you to!”  he yelled and clutched her hand  

“I fought my battle levi…I can’t fight anymore.. “ He shook his head

“NO you’re not finished you haven’t finished yet Hanji! Remember you still haven’t finished your experiment this is just one battle you haven’t finished yet please..”  Tears started rolling down his face

“Levi please…I’m so tired…..I’m so tried Levi” He shook her trying to keep her eyes open 

“Hanji stop!!” He screamed at her as her eyes closed together and her body went limp. He couldn’t help but cry onto her cold body, there was nothing else he could do. It was so painful watching someone die in front of you.. .

Levi starred down at her and let his tears fall without any since in trying to hold them back as he kissed her once more.

“Please wake up Hanji….don’t leave me alone…” he spoke softly and looked at her face with her brown eyes open. “you always worked so hard…I always forced you to wake up when I found you asleep in your lab….No matter how tired you where you always woke up to face everything in this cruel dark world…But this time  is different…You said you were so tried, so…..” he reached down and took off her glasses and closed her eyes.

“I’m not going to force you to wake up this time…” he placed her glasses in his pocket and stared down at her sleeping body with tears poring down his face as he saluted her 


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