The Secret Unfolds

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The Next Morning~

Y/n's P.O.V

I crack my eyes open as I slowly sit up in bed. I arch my back as I stretch my arms and yawn. After that I get out of bed and get dressed into a grey tank top and blue jeans, with white socks on. Once fully dressed, I grab my glasses and place them on my face as I walk out of my room. Once I'm outside my room I hear nothing but dead silence. 'Perfect, they're still asleep' I thought as I pull out my phone so I can get a video of scaring the crap out of Krel. I tip toe over to Krel's room and slowly open his door. As I poke my head in, I do Not see Krel. I see this blue new life in the bed instead. 'This boy better tell me where Krel is! Or he's dead!' I mentally threatened. I quickly and quietly walk over to my room and grab my metal baseball bat. I head back to Krel's room and walk over to the sleeping life form. 'I'm sorry extraterrestrial' I mentally apologized. I lift the bat up about to attack, only to then hear him talk in his sleep. "Your the best Y/n" he mumbled loud enough for me to hear. 'Wait he knows my name? Hold on, what if?' I thought as the dots soon connected. This blue life form, Is My Crush Krel!! My eyes widened as I slowly back up and run a hand through my bed hair. Wait, what about Aja?! I walk over to Aja's room and see she's blue too. 'This has got to be a dream! Wake up Y/n! Wake up!' I mentally screamed as I shook my head and then pinched my arm. 'Holy cheese and sprinkles, this isn't a dream, my friends are Actual New life forms! I'm so lucky! But why did they keep this a secret still after I told them I was fine with their species?' I questioned. I go back to my room and put my bat away. I walk back into Krel's room and grab a blue protractor? It's not a protractor I'm familiar with. I stand up and press some button as a sword appears from it. I gasp but slap a hand over my mouth. I look over at Krel and watch him move around but not wake up. I sigh in relief and press the button and to find a shield and a gun. I press it one more time as it vanishes into thin air. I walk over to Aja's room and find hers too. I close both their doors and go downstairs as I place the Alien weapons in my deep pockets. I pull out some ingredients and start cooking pancakes. 'i feel kind of betrayed, but then again, they have a right to keep it secret, I just wish they would've trusted me more' I thought as I continue to flip the pancake. 'I just can't believe they've kept it secret for this long, I'm such an idiot for not noticing it before, now that I think about it, it all makes sense now their behavior, their little understanding of how we work, and the fake home town they came up with, but still, why?' I thought as I frowned slightly.

Time skip

Krel's P.O.V

I wake up to smell something good. I immediately get up and transform into my human form. I walk out of the room to see Aja already up too. "Morning and sleep well Aja?" I asked. "Indeed brother, and you?" she responds. I smile and say "Peacefully" in a content sigh. Aja giggled at my remark as we head downstairs. We both walk into the kitchen to see Y/n making pancakes. I sit down at the table as Aja joins me. "Morning Y/n, smells good" I spoke smiling but she didn't answer. Y/n just stood there, quiet. She's begin way too quiet for my liking. Aja and I exchanged looks of worry. "Y/n are you ok?" Aja asks worriedly. Still nothing but silence.
"Y/n? I say softly. Not a single ounce of recognition. I get up and stand next to her. I look up at her face and see her staring blankly at the pancakes. As if she were in a trance. "Sit down" she spoke quitely but firmly. At least I got some type of answer, as soon as I sat down Y/n came over with our plates with three pancakes each. She places our forks down as she stays silent. Aja and I don't say a word as we begin to eat our breakfast. After we ate everything Y/n took our plates and washed them. Aja and I were about to get up but then Y/n snapped her gaze at us. "Sit back down" she growled. My eyes widened as did Aja's. We slowly but hesitantly sit back down. After she done washing the plates she puts the clean dry ones away. Y/n then sits back down and looks at the both of us with a blank stare, which also showed a hint of sadness. Y/n then finally spoke. "Is there anything you guys need to tell me?" she asks. Her voice sounds like we're in trouble. Aja and I exchang looks of confusion "Um not really why?" Aja speaks first. "Are you sure?" Y/n questions raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure why do you ask?" I said. "Oh really, then how do you explain these?" she spoke grabbing something from her pocket and pulling out mine and Aja's serrators. The two of us gasp and start sweating nervously. "Those are just our protractor's silly" Aja gulped. "Uh huh, yeah, don't lie to me, protractors don't turn in a gun, sword, and a shield" Y/n glared while crossing her arms. 'Kleb! She knows, she probably saw Aja and I in our Akiridion forms while we were sleeping' I thought as I was panicking. "Y/n we can explain everything" Aja spoke. "Oh really, or are you guys just gonna tell me more lies" she spoke sternly. "Trust us, no more lies, we'll explain everything" Aja spoke desperately. I don't want to loose Y/n and I'm pretty sure Aja doesn't want to either.

After explaining everything~

"Oh Gosh I'm so sorry, and I'll do whatever it takes to help you guys get your planet back, if you need any help, just ask me and I'll be there" Y/n spoke. "Wait, so your not mad at us anymore?" I ask. "Of course not, how could I after hearing everything you guys have been through" Y/n spoke. Aja and I sigh in relief as Y/n then slams her hands onto the table as she stands up, I flinched. "Which now reminds me to ask, can I see your real forms again?!" she shouts in excitement. "Might as well" I spoke as I got up from the table and transformed into my Akiridion form. Aja doing the same. Y/n stood there with wide eyes as she walked closer to me. "I'm gonna go to the restroom, I'll be back" Aja spoke as she walked up a few steps of the stairs and looks back at me. "Make your move" Aja whispers pointing a finger at me with her upper right hand, I blush as she disappears up the stairs. I look back at Y/n as she looks me up and down. My blush only worsened as she got closer. Y/n pushed her glasses up her nose as she then looked at my core. "May I exaime you?" Y/n asked gesturing to my form with her hands. "And I don't mean like dissect you or anything, I just mean your features is all" she laughs nervously as she rubs her neck sheepishly. "O-of c-course" Kleb! I can't speak properly! 'Get ahold of yourself Krel!' I mentally scold myself. Y/n takes both of my upper arms hands and rubs her thumbs across the skin. "The skin is soft but just a little rough, like a hippos skin when it's wet" she mumbled. Then her face got closer to my chest as she exaimed my core. "Interesting" she whispered. My face feels really hot at this point. I feel like I'm going to faint. Then she kneels down to my feet. "Their so tiny, how do you even walk on them?" Y/n asked looking up at me. I lift my right foot up so she can get a better look at it. I grab it to hold it in place for her to see. "Honestly I don't know, I just do" I say chuckling. I put my foot back down as she grabs both my lower arms. "Was it difficult to figure out how to use all four arms?" she asks tilting her head to the side a little. It made her look very cute. "Nope not really" I spoke lifting all my hands up to wave at her. She smiled brightly and laughed a little. She then grabs my top right arm. She pulls at the fabric and looks closer at it. "Such a tight, strong material, it looks shiney, like metal but it's not" she whispers. Then she reaches her hands up to my face as we're now at eye level with each other. "May I?" Y/n asks. I nod giving her permission to examine my face. She caress's my cheeks as I lean my head into her hands. I smile and hum contently holding her hands in my upper ones. She then lightly touches my hair as she runs a hand through it gently. I close my eyes and feel her hand carefully touch my hair. I open my eyes and see Y/n still staring at my hair. "Fascinating" she smiles. I grab her hand and slowly pull it away from my hair. Y/n then stares straight into my eyes as we both stare in silence. I have the moment set now, this is my chance and I'm taking it. I put my lower left hand on her waist and slowly pull her closer to me. As I then use my right bottom hand and gently lift her chin a little as we got closer. I'm just about to kiss her until "Hey I'm ba- Oh! Sorry!" Aja exclaimed as Y/n and I pulled away from each other. Embarrassed and disappointed I glare at Aja with a flushed face. "Aja!" I groan. "Sorry brother, anyway how about we finish that movie series from last night" Aja suggests as I continue to glare at her. "Good idea Aja, let's go finish those before you guys have to leave" Y/n spoke a little awkwardly before going into the living room to go put the movies in. I stomp over to Aja and glare daggers at her. "Nice one Aja, you just ruined our moment" I growled. "Oh come on Krel it's not like I did that on purpose" Aja spoke as I sighed. "You'll get another moment trust me, now let's go watch those movies!" Aja cheered as she walked into the living room. I sigh pinching my nose before following after her.

Time Skip

We finally finished all the movies as Aja stood up and stretched her arms, transforming into her human form. "Those were lively but Varvatos probably wants us back home now so, come on Krel let's go" Aja says as I change back into my human form. "Well, it was fun while it lasted, bye
Y/n see ya at school" I wave as Aja and I walk over to the front door. Y/n followed behind us as she held the door open for us. "It was nice having you over and spending some time with you both, bye!" Y/n shouts as qe left her house.

Krel: *groans*Oh come on! We were just about to kiss! You can be so cruel, you know that!
Author: I know Krel, I'm so mean, but don't worry, you'll get your sweet kiss soon
Krel: I better! Hmph! *pouts crossing both pairs of arms*
Author: Omg Krel, Stop Being So Adorable! *squishs Krel's face*
Krel: Stooop Author! *swats Authors hands away*
Author: Your no fun *pouts*
Krel: *smiles and sticks his tongue out at Author*
Aja: What'd I miss?
Author: Nothing important, anyway keep smiling and have fun! Bye!
Aja: Wait! But I-
Author: BYE!

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