Ask her! Not that hard, right?

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Y/n's P.O.V

Today is Friday which is the last day for the week. I'm sitting in History class right now and am fighting the urge to go to sleep. Lately my mom has been really loud at night, and I can't sleep through that. She literally blasts a music playlist my Dad made for her. Sometimes I listen to it but then Try to fall asleep. Obviously I can't yell at her or even ask her to stop playing the music. Anyway so yeah, I didn't get Any sleep. I look up at the board and try to listen to the teacher. Man, I can just barely keep my eyes open. They slowly start to close and my head starts to drop. I try to keep my head up as its about to fall off my hand. The feeling of exhaustion is taking over my mind. I try to fight but I can't anymore. My eyes slowly close as my head drops onto my desk which makes a big *BAM!*. I quickly lift my head up to see everyone staring at me.

Krel's P.O.V

I'm in another boring class I look back at Y/n. Instead of drawing or reading, she looks like she's about to fall asleep any second now. She has bags under her eyes, is she getting enough sleep? That's unusual for her. Normally she'd be awake and doing something, not looking exhausted. I notice her eyes start to close as her head starts to slowly lower down. She's shoots her head up and tries to stay awake, while her glasses were trying to stay on her face. I tried getting her attention but she doesn't notice. Suddenly her head drops causing a loud Bang to sound through the classroom. Everyone turns their attention to look at her. She opens her eyes wide and looks at the teacher. "Miss L/n! When did World war 2 start and end?" The teacher asked as Y/n sighed deeply. "World war 2 started Sept. 1 1939, and ended Sept. 2 1945" she stated as the teacher looked shocked. "That is correct, anyways" the teacher continued as I stared at her with surprise. She seemed to notice my staring and looked at me. I quickly turn around and focus back on my work. Now that I think about it, she's never really told me and Aja about her home. I wonder if she's dealing with something. I turn back around and see she's asleep. Honestly she looks..... cute. I smile and continue to stare at her peaceful sleeping face, until the teacher calls me out to pay attention. I groan slightly and turn back to the board and stare at it with boredom. Which reminds me how am I going to ask Y/n to go to that Bon Fire that Aja told me about? Face to face or text her. Honestly I don't know but I feel like it should be face to face. Yeah, I'll do that. Suddenly the bell rings as everyone starts to pack up. I get up and grab my stuff as the teacher calls my name. "Krel, would you mind waking miss L/n up from her nap" the teacher spoke as she pointed to Y/n, still asleep. I nod at the teacher and walk over to Y/n's desk. First I poke her face which she just scrunches her face. Then I gently grab her shoulders and shake her lightly. She wakes up, takes off her glasses and rubs her eyes as I let go of her shoulders.

Y/n's P.O.V

I feel something poke my face, then I'm shaken awake. I open my eyes and rub them with my hands. I look around the classroom to see everyone is gone except for Krel and the teacher. "Oh crud, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep in class, I promise I won't do it aga-" I'm cut off by the teacher. "It's alright miss L/n, I'm actually quite concerned about you, for the past few days you've been sleeping in class, are you getting enough sleep at home?" she asked. I stand up and grab my belongings walking up to the front. "I must admit, sleep hasn't been the best, but I promise I'll get more sleep" I say as I lift my glasses and rub my right eye again. "Don't push yourself to hard, you are done with college already so don't worry about it, plus your mother shouldn't have put you in this school in the first place if your already done with school" I tense up at the thought of my mom and look down. "Yeah, I'm not sure either" I lied as I knew why, I left the classroom. "Wait up!" I heard Krel shout as I hear him try to catch up with me. He caught up to me as I smile at him. "What was with that look you had when she brought up your mom?" Krel asked. I tensed up again as I gulp. "Also what's up with that mark on your face?" he questioned. I froze. Damn, my makeup must've rubbed off because of my sleeve. I look at him and chuckle nervously. "I was sort of clumsy and accidentally hit myself while working on a project at home" I lied. Krel raised a brow. "What project?" he asked. "I'm working on building my own vehicle" I said which I'm not lying about. I am building my own personal vehicle. And it's a classic, I can't wait to get back to working on her. "A vehicle? What kind?" he asked. "It's a 1965 Ford Mustang, I can't wait till I finish her, she's gonna be a beauty" I say excitedly. Krel looks at me confused but smiles. "Can I see you work on it someday?" he asked. I smiled and nodded "Of course! You could probably help me with it too" I smiled. "Great!" Krel exclaimed. Then there was a peaceful silence.

Krel's P.O.V

'Okay, Krel, just keep cool and ask her' I thought as I'm mentally freaking out. I take a deep breath and look at Y/n. "Um, so, I uh want to ask you something" I spoke as Y/n turned her attention to me. "Yeah? What is it?" she asked. "Well, I was wondering if-" I pause as I look away. I gather up what courage I have left and speak. "WillyougowithmetotheBonFire!" I shout quickly. Y/n raised a brow in confusion as she smiled nervously. "Um, come again?" she asked. Seklos and Gaylen! Why is this so difficult! I take another deep breath and spoke "I said will you go with me to the Bon Fire with Steve and Aja?" I asked looking at Y/n, as we stopped at the front of the school. She blinked a couple times before speaking. "Of course! I'd love to go with you" she smiled as I smiled back. "Really? Thank you! Meet me at my house at 8?" I questioned. "Sure! I'll be there to pick you up" she said. I waved to her as we split ways. I turn around and run home. Once I got to the mothership I go in and sigh thinking about Y/n. "So, how did it go?!" Aja asked curiously. "She said she'll come" I reply as Aja hugged me and cheered. "Nice one, little brother, I'm so proud of you!" Aja put me down as she walked away probably to text Steve. I brush it off and go to my room. "It seems you have a date as well, my royal?" Mother asked. I smile and say "Indeed mother"

(Aww so cute! Krel's gonna have so many sweet dreams after this! Anyway keep smiling and have fun!)

My Guardian Angel Krel x Top! Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now