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Krel's P.O.V

As soon as school ended Aja and I tried to look for Y/n but she was no where in sight. "Any sign of her brother?" Aja asked. "No, Ah wait! There!" I shouted as I saw Y/n run off. "Come on, she's definitely not okay, and we're her friends we have to protect her" Aja spoke as I agreed. As we ran after Y/n as we tried to catch up. Keyword: Tried.

Alpha's P.O.V

As we flew our ship over the small town I was scanning the beings under US to locate the Royals. Suddenly I noticed a girl running away from a building. My scanner popped something up on the big screen. I clicked it as it identified the child as an extraterrestrial. "How is this possible?" I mumble. "What is it Alpha?" Omega asked as Beta looked at me. "We just found our selves a jackpot boys" I smirked as we make plans to capture this child along with the Royals.

Time skip back to Aja and Krel - Night time

Krel's P.O.V

"Seklos and Gaylen! How fast is she?!" I pant as Aja and I are completely out of breath. "Brother, where did she go?" Aja pants. I look up as I see Y/n no where in sight. "Kleb! We lost her" I say as Aja and I stop. "We gotta find her before it gets dark, it's not safe for her, especially if the bounty hunters find her, since they might know she's our friend" Aja spoke in worry. "I wouldn't be surprised if they knew about her already" I spoke worriedly. Suddenly we hear the scraping of something coming toward us. Aja and I took defensive stances as we look into an allyway to see the said hunters. Alpha was dragging his weapon on the wall of the building next to him. Leaving a long deep mark on the wall. Ah Kleb! The Zoran hunters found us! "You can run Royals but you can't hide" Alpha spoke as Omega chuckled darkly. 'Wait, where is Beta?' I thought as my eyes looked around us. "Where's your third wheel?!" Aja shouted as if she read my mind. "On another mission, don't worry about it" he spoke as I glared at him. "Run!" Aja shouted as we both booked it. "After them!" Alpha shouts as they followed us. "Come on brother, we'll loose them in the forest" Aja exclaimed as I nodded. Aja pulled her serrator out and started blasting behind her. Alpha and Omega dodged her blasts as we ran through the forest. "Hurry, we gotta find Y/n, Beta is probably after her" I shout as Aja's eyes widened.

Y/n's P.O.V

As I ran I noticed I ended up in the forest. I sigh in relief and climb the cliff I go to, to calm myself down from stress. I love rock climbing it's really fun, I mean this is about a 28ft cliff. Once I got to the top I pull myself up and sat down. I grab my baseball from my backpack and stare at it. The date read 12/15/10, with a lot of names written on it. It was the day that Dad died, which was also his last game. He was a baseball player and when I was 6 years old he was murdered in the locker room. I still remember it like it was yesterday.


My 6 year old self was watching my dad play from the bleachers. After a few other batters wenti t was his turn to bat as I cheered. As soon as he hit the ball I caught it with my baseball glove. After the game Dad and his team signed my baseball. Then my dad took me to the locker room so we could leave. The locker room was empty, no one else but us two. At least that's what we thought. I wanted to play hide and seek so I hid in one of the lockers. "Come find me!" I shout while I giggled. Dad played along as he searched for me. "Alright where are you, you little monster" my dad chuckled. I giggled quietly and put a hand over my mouth. Dad turned a corner as I see him through the holes of the locker door. Suddenly I see another man behind dad with a gun. I froze and became quiet. A loud Bam sounded along with a flash of light. I watched as my dad fell to the floor and a crimson red liquid come from his head. After that the mystery man ran away as I slowly got out of the locker. I walk over to my dad and shake him. "Daddy? Daddy?! Daddy wake up!" I cried as he wasn't moving. I laid my face on his back and cried. After a few minutes of screaming and crying for help the team found me with my dead dad. The team took me away from him as they called the police, then my mom. After the police came they asked me questions as I answered them the best I could. Mom was torn as I was tramitized and also broken.

End of Flashback~

I look up at the stars as a tear slips from my right eye. I wipe my tear away and put my baseball in front of me. Suddenly I hear something from down below. I crawl over to the ledge and see a different creature with red armor. I back up fast and put my baseball back into my backpack. I grab a rock and throw it far into the forest. The sound got its attention and distracted it as it follows the noise. I sigh in relief as I'm about to climb down. Suddenly I hear something clawing it's way up to me. I look down and see the thing crawling up to me. I gasp and quickly climb back up. I grab a big rock and drop it on the thing. It roared and fell back to the ground. It got back up and glared at me. "You'll pay for that!" it growled. As it climbed faster than before. Oh Shit. I start to run but the realize this is an island basically. I shake my head and run into the small forest. As I run I can hear that thing following me. I make twists and turns as I try to lose it. Soon I wasn't paying attention and slipped. "Shit!" I shout as I slide down a hill and went over an edge. I grab onto a branch that's attached to the wall. As I hang there I'm freaking out. "Y/N!" I heard Aja shout. I look down but can't see anything since it's dark. I brush it off as my mind playing tricks on me, so I start to shuffle my way closer to the wall. As soon as I'm about to pull myself up a scalely clawed hand grabbed mine. "Gotcha ya brat" it growled. "Let me go! Get your filthy Alien hands off me!" I scream as I try to get out of its grasp. "You sure are a feisty one aren't ya" It chuckled as it starts walking. I wrap my arms and legs around it's arm and yanked it and flipped it onto it's back. It groaned as I got up and started to run. I rush through the trees and push the branches away. I hear heavy footsteps coming my way. 'Ugghh!! Won't this thing just give up already!' I mentally groaned. I don't know why but I felt like I needed to shout "Someone help!". Suddenly I hear a 'Bang' and feel something hit the back of my head. Then everything goes black as I feel myself fall to the ground.

Back to the siblings

Third person P.O.V

Krel and Aja lost the hunters as they leaned against a cliff. "Kleb, I wish we had Y/n's stamina" Krel panted. "I agree" Aja breathed. The both of them transformed into their Akiridion forms as they catch their breath. Then Aja and Krel heard a familiar voice shout "Shit!" as it echoed. Suddenly small rocks fell from above as the two looked up. They both gasped as they saw Y/n hanging off a branch. "Y/N!" Aja shouted. They waited for a response but got nothing. "She's too high, she won't hear us" Krel spoke as he began climbing with Aja following. "Let me go! Get your filthy Alien hands off me!" they heard Y/n shout. The two look back up and see Y/n be dragged up by Beta. "Y/n! Hang on we're coming!" Krel shouts as the two start climbing faster. As they get close to the top a pair of hands reach out to them. "Varvatos!" Aja and Krel exclaimed with delight. "Varvatos Vex got your message" he spoke as they took his hand. Varvatos pulled the Royals up as they brushed themselves off. "Now come on! We gotta go help Y/n!" Krel yelled as he ran off as Varvatos and Aja follow. "Y/n! Where are you?!" Aja shouts. "Y/n!" Krel screams. As they run they stop and listen. "Someone help!" they heard Y/n! "Over there!" Varvatos boomed as they headed in the direction they heard the cry for help. As they ran a loud 'Bang!' sounds. "Noooo!!" Krel screams as the three move faster. Soon they go to an open area and saw Beta grabbing Y/n's unconscious body. "Stop right there!" Varvatos Vex yells. "Give us our friend back!" Aja shouts angrily. Beta turns around and looks at them. "You want her?! Come and get her!" Beta shouted back. Aja charges with her sword along with Varvatos. "Varvatos Vex says give lady Y/n back!" Varvatos boomed. Krel shoots his serrator as he let's out a battle cry. Beta drops Y/n onto the ground and dodges Krel's blasts as he also attacks Aja. He dodges Aja's sword and kicks her away, Aja slams into a tree. "Aja!" Krel shouts worried for his sister. He runs over to her as she whispers. "Don't worry about me, Varvatos is distracting Beta, go get
Y/n" Krel nods and leaves Aja. As Varvatos and Beta fight, Krel runs over to Y/n's sleeping body. He was just about to grab her until Alpha appears in front of him. "Not so fast, she's our first priority, while you can wait your turn" he growled. "Why do you want her so badly?!" Krel backed up. "She's worth a lot more then you think" Alpha snarls. "Why? What makes her valueable?!" Krel angrily shouts. "HAHAHAHAHA! You'll see later on, until we meet again" Alpha laughs evilly as he throws Y/n over his shoulder. Then he's interrupted by an orange light picking up Alpha. As Alpha was about to call Beta, Varvatos stabbed him. "Noo! You'll regret that Varvatos!" Alpha shouts. Then they flew away with a camoflage cloak making them disappear. "Kleb! I was so close!" Krel shouts in frustration. Aja hugs Krel as Varvatos feels responsible for letting them get away. "Don't worry brother, we'll get her back, no matter what" Aja spoke comfortingly.

(Guess your going to find out their secret soon too. Anyway keep smiling and have fun, bye!)

My Guardian Angel Krel x Top! Fem!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora