I groaned in response and turned my back, heading back to my room and leaving him standing in the open doorway looking quite dumbfounded.

He wordlessly walked inside and shut the door behind him, locking it with a loud click!

He followed me as I led him to my room. The only light in the house came from behind the drapes over the windows, glowing with the light of the full moon outside. I could see his nose scrunch from the awful smell from the kitchen. I must've left food scraps in the sink again. Whoops. I really am starting to frogot things more often.

I sat in the edge on my bed. He leaned on the door frame and looked down at me. Usually his face was unreadable, but I could clearly see his pained expression in the shadows.

"I- don't really know what happened except that you were in a car crash and..." He started, but clicked his tounge after losing his train of thought. That or he didn't know what to say to me.

I sighed and hugged myself. My gaze shifted to the floor, avoiding the ash-clored eyes that were watching me.

I don't know what to feel about this unexpected visit.

Relieved that my mind was temporarily off her passing.

Happy that I finally have company.

Furious that he thought I needed help.

Grateful because I did need it.

I'm not much of a hugger, but I needed one now. I suddenly snapped my head up, slightly startling Pico.

Normally, I would laugh at his alarmed state, taunting him, and he would laugh along to play it off. But right now I don't feel normal. I don't feel like smiling. Not anymore. I don't deserve to smile.

I spread my arms, touch-starved and desperately wanting to feel the warmth of living person.

Thankfully he understood. Kneeling down on his knees, he embraced my frail body with unusual tenderness in his burly arms. It had been years since I hugged him. It felt nice, but it wasn't enough to cheer me up. Whatever.

I pushed him away softly. It was nice to have him visit, but he should just leave me alone now. Leave me in my misery to take care of myself.

But of course his stubborn ass refused to leave. He huffed and proceeded to plop himself in the middle of my bed before reaching over to me and pulling me to him. I didn't fight back, even though it annoyed me.

My back leaned against his chest as I felt his chin rest on my head. He caressed me softly as I closed my eyes. How long was it since I slept?

Then I heard him sniffle. Huh?

I peered at his freckled face. I could just make out tears forming in the corner of his eyes, threatening to fall down onto me.

Oh. That's right. I've completely forgotten.

He's seen death his entire life. It doesn't help that he kills for a job. He's just as sensitive to this stuff I am. Probably much more.

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