Chapter 6. take a look.

Start from the beginning


"What ever, but what time is it ?" I asked looking around for the clock.

"Probably 2:39 PM. Why?" She asked standing.

"Uhmm.. an idea popped into my head and..." I couldn't complete my sentence because what would she say?

Probably you are crazy and stupi-

Shutt upp!!! I yell into my head , why I have this crazy subconscious?

"Annnndd?" She said motioning me to complete.

"Whatifwegoandsneakout? Ipromisenothingwillhapp-"

"Whoa whoa , easy here little girl how about talking alittle slow so I could understand what you are saying? "

I sigh, well that would be hard .

" I said what if we go and sneak out of the building and walk around ? I promise no one is getting into trouble and I know that if we got caught I will get the blame but please come with me?" I looked at her with the best pleading look I have.

"What?! You are totally crazy ." She shook her head .

Told you. My subconscious laughed.

"I know but what are we doing here? And there's something wrong is going to happen here " I said, I know that they will sold us . And I would run away if I could.

"Look it's not a good idea but why don't we have a look around?" She smiled at me .

"Really?!" My eyes widen, I never thought that she will agree and this quick.

"Probably we will be in trouble when we get back but it's worth it"

"Okay, let's go" I said standing up too excited.

"Wait! I have to check out my look , and bring some food" she said looking around.

"Oh C'mon" I groan.

"Alright , but do you know how exactly we are going out of here?"she asked narrowing her blue eyes at me.

"Never thought of it but we will find the way out"i say and grap her hand before grapping the handle of the door and walking out , looking left and right , didn't see anyone so it's clear.

Walking down the hallway following me from behind a nervous marie.

I chuckle at her cuteness.

"What?" She ask.

"You are cute when you are nervous" i said honestly.

She chuckle,
"Girls? What are you doing here?" My blood ran cold , I turned around to find Miss.Lisa standing her arms crossed over her fake chest.
Did I told you that Miss.Lisa doesn't have any natural thing on her whole body? Well.. Her breast are fake tottaly fake and her face.
Fake eyebrow, fake full-lips , fake smile , fak-

Okay she is a barbie doll.

"N-nothing" marie smiled politely at her.

"Why are you nervous?" She raise her fake brow at her .

I looked at her disgusted, the memory of her voice moaning and ughh that's gross, I shudder.

"She isn't nervous, she is just on her period and we are trying to find tampons for her." I quickly made a perfect lie , but looks like this isn't perfect to marie.

She glared at me and poked my side.

"Oh well there is tampons in your bathroom" she smiled, believing my un-perfect lie.

"Really? We didn't know that." I am sure I am going to hell for all this lies .
Marie is still glaring at me and I feel like she is going to rip my throat out of its place.

"Now both of you know , now go to your rooms" she demand. Still smiling.

"Okay , thanks Miss.Lisa" I smiled sweetly at her.

"Oh I almost forgot" yeah you are old you should forget I thought. "we have meeting at .." she said looking at her phone probably checking the time.

"Six thirty , be on time both of you . On the fifth floor and be careful this floor have men in it! " She said before turning around and walking away.
"What the hell did you told her!" Marie yell at me and I flinch.

Never seen her like this before and I never want to see her like this again.

"What? I couldn't find anything else to do! She could easily lock us in our room!" I yell back frustrated.

"This was embarrassing! And I am not the one who had her period here !" She raised her hand in the air.
"Calm down! She is gone now and don't make this a big deal, she is woman like us not a man."I said calming down a bit.

She huffed in defeat.

"Still , it doesn't make any difference" she glared at me, she is getting on my nerve.

"Look , I am sorry okay? I didn't know you would be so angry and it kinda slipped from my mouth, so what about going back to sneaking out of the building?" I asked .

"Nah, I changed my mind find anyone else to go with ya" she said turning around and leaving me and my mouth hanging open.

Is she serious?!

My plan is screwed , lucky me .
A/N: I know that I promised to write about Zayn in this chapter but guess what? Zayn is kinda busy..
Hmm... and do you think Marie described Harry?
Oh my goddd it's Harry!
A massive thank you for all who VOTE and COMMENT and for GOHST READERS who doesn't vote but only read xD
Thanks for supporting me guys and I really appreciate it
Sorry for this long note but I won't write any notes again.
Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE.
Byeee ♡

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