part 4

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I really don't understand. I mean Will talked to that girl, but he won't even talk to me. I have tried starting conversations with him. Every time he either ignores me or will give me a one worded answer, and busy himself with something. So naturally I got really mad at that girl. She even gave me a look that said, 'Haha he likes me but not you', when she left.

"Don't worry you can do so much better than her! He will eventually like you." the voice in my head said. It was almost like in those movies with the angel and devil miniatures on their shoulders. This was my angel speaking. The only problem was that I didn't believe it at all. If a guy doesn't talk to you I always figured they didn't like you.

"Can you get some more cookies and cream out of the freezer?" I asked Will as I was scooping the last of it into a customer's cone.

"Sure." He said it barely above a whisper. It was an improvement, but not much of one.

I gave the customer his ice cream and rang it up. After he left, the little bell jingled again.

Omg! He was hot, but not as much as Will. It won't hurt if he flirts with me, because obviously Will doesn't care. Aliens could probably abduct me, and he wouldn't care.

Cute guy, I don't know his name, had blonde short hair, he was tall, and looked like he either played a lot of sports or works out. He didn't look to spoiled either.

He walked up to the ice creams. He looked at all the different flavors. He looked up and over at me. A smile came to his face.

"Which flavor do you like best?' He asked me with that adorable smile still on his face.

"I like the butter fingers best." I smiled back at him.

He looked down at it, then seemed to make up his mind. That's when Will came back with the cookies and cream. He put it in, then looked back and forth between us. Then when cute guy smiled sweetly at me again, Will got a dark look on his face that I had never seen before.

'I'll try the butter fingers then, he said," in a cup please!"

I started to go for the scooper but Will grabbed it first. He then grabbed a cup, and started scooping the ice cream into the cup. All the while I was staring at him completely shocked. Here I was thinking he didn't care, but he seemed so mad that cute guy seemed to like me.

That didn't make cute guy stop though.

"Hi Andrea right?" I was trying to figure out how he knew, but then remembered my name tag so I just nodded. " My name is Nick. I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?" That smile never left his face.

"Yea I just got a job here." I replied while ringing up his ice cream.

"So did I." Will spoke up, handing Nick his ice cream." Our work hours are exactly the same."

"That's cool! Hey Andrea." he turned to me and handed me the money." Here is my number." He wrote it down on a napkin. Then handed it to me." What's yours?"

I told him and he put it in his phone.

"So I guess I'll see you around?" He gave me a flirty smile. I saw Will was standing to the side stiff. I wonder what is wrong with him?

"If you like ice cream I suppose." Wow how dumb, I could have said something a little less retarded.

"Yea I think I like ice cream a lot better now.." He winked at me as he walked out the door. That little bell ringing as it opened then shut.

"Are you really going to text him?" Will asked as I was putting the number in my phone.

"I don't know. I don't have a boyfriend or anything, so I probably will." I finished putting it in, and looked up from my phone. A strange look crossed Will's face, before he went back to emotionless.

'Oh." He turned around and grabbed a bowl and scoop. Then he opened it and got butter finger out. He had gotten it twice already, so I was guessing it was his favorite. Although I don't blame him, it's my favorite too. Maybe we do actually have something in common.

Soon it was time for lunch. Will and I walked out and headed towards the food court. I saw Molly, Eliza, and Ryan already at a table. Will walked all the way over with me. Then started to leave once I got there. Almost like he was making sure I made it there safe.

"Hey Will! Why don't you eat with us?" Ryan waved him back over. "We have a seat left." Sure it was beside me too.

"Sure." He walked over and saw that the seat Ryan was referring to, was by me. He seemed to hesitate for a moment before he sat down. I could feel a tingle go through me as his arm bumped mine. It wasn't a bad feeling either. This was going to be one long lunch.

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