"You're Hired!

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(Chapter 1)
{Emily's pov}

Pov: We all sat around in the waiting room. It was dark but chill the other girls sitting next to me. I kinda knew I sighed and continued looking down. If i look nervous it's because i Might be working  for a boy band not just any boy band One direction. Yes you heard me right, I tap my foot to a beat I made in my head while waiting. This is gonna be a lot longer. I looked around the room at all of the girls. They all looked like they were so calm about this situation meanwhile I’m a nervous wreck. I started to bounce my knee to the boring office music they were playing. I was so nervous then all of a sudden a big black door creaked open, there stood a girl she looked like she must be one of the main workers. She stood there glancing at a clipboard she had in her hand as if she was reading something. Than she began to speak 

Worker: “ I need to see Emily, Ashlyn, Skylar, and Claudia please as well as gigi.” 

Pov:We all got up and began to head towards the door besides the woman

Worker: “Follow me right this way ladies.” 

The rest of the girls walked in front of me while I fell behind one of them noticed that I looked nervous and she stopped and started walking next to me.

Gigi: “Hi im gigi, you are?”
Emily: “Emily, you all look like you have done this so many times how are you not scared.”

Gigi: “They want you to look nervous and scared so you show them that you aren't. They look for your weakness, don't let them find it so stand up straight, hold your head up high and let's go in there.”

Emily: “okay yeah! Thanks I’m ready.”

Pov: We all walked into the large room and took seats on these huge leather chairs. A man walked in; he seemed to be wearing a simple blue button up polo shirt with some simple jeans. The man looked really energetic and happy. He quickly walked up to us all and shook our hands. 

Manager: “ Hi ladies! My name is James Corden you can just call me James I am the manager for One Direction.” 

Gigi: “ So… did we get the job?” 

James: “ Well ladies…” he sighs 

Pov: I started to become nervous. Why was he sighing like that? Did we not make it? Did I not make it?

James: “ Congrats girls you all got the job you’re all hired!”

Pov: All of a sudden all of the girl’s had pulled me into a large group hug and we were all jumping up and down. 

James: “ Well now that you’re all hired I think you should meet the boy’s they’ve been waiting!”

James: “Boys! C’mon in!”

Pov: After he had said that 5 boys entered the room they all were dressed nicely and had huge smiles on their faces.

As the boys walked in they all looked different they all had something special about them. One had bright blue eyes and brown hair. He had this huge smile on his face the other standing next to him with brown eyes and this brown/ dirty blond hair he was taller then the first one but looked more shy. There was another one who had raven black hair and brown eyes. He felt a little behind the rest of the lads.I tilted my head a little bit to see another one he had blonde hair which you could tell was dyed and blue eyes, kinda like the first one. He looked really confident and happy. The last one was taller but he had brown hair and sea foam green eyes. He waved a little before standing next to james.

James: “Girls this is Louis Liam Zayn Niall and Harry aka The boys you will be working with! Boys this is..”

Gigi: “Gigi!”

Ashlyn: “Ashlyn!”

Skylar: ”Skylar!”

Claudia: “Claudia!”


James: “Right thank you girls I really have to learn your names...”

Skylar's Pov: I looked over to see the blonde boy staring at me and then turning back to his lad with the brown curls and green eyes. It looks like he whispered something into his lad’s ear and they both started to laugh. He then stopped and waved to me. I was so nervous and just looked down at my feet. Then once I looked up again the blonde boy was standing right in front of me. 

Niall: “Hi! I’m Niall.” he said whilst holding out his hand

Skylar: “Hi Niall, nice to meet you.” 

Skylar’s Pov: I noticed something different about this boy from the others; he had no ink imprinted on his arms while the other boys had their arms covered in ink. I then shaked his hand. 

Niall: “Congrats on getting the job, I heard you’re going to be the security guard. You must be strong then, probably even stronger than Lou!” 

Skylar’s Pov:  As soon as he said that the boy with brown hair and blue eyes gave Niall a sarcastic frown and lifted up his hand only to flip Niall off.  and Niall just started bursting out in laughter. 
Louis: “ Alright, alright Niall do we need to talk about what you just whispered to us earlier? And I am indeed strong by the way. He says whilst puffing out his chest and standing looking proud of himself. 

Zayn: “yes lou says the shortest one here!”

Louis: “Shut up zayn you spend 2 hours in the bathroom getting read i don't wanna hear it He said all sassy”

Skylar's pov: I just laughed as zayn scoffed looking a little mad at least that's what i think his name was. 

Liam: So we think we know what everyone does but can you clarify just to make sure!

Ashlyn: Well im a hairdresser so i'll do your hair.. Skylar you already know hers Emily plays the drums Gigi plays the guitar and claudia is a stylist she will help with your clothes!

Skylar’s Pov:  As soon as we finished talking and introducing ourselves we all decided to say our goodbyes for today everyone gave each other hugs. An odd thing I noticed was that Niall seemed to hug me the tightest out of the boys, almost like he didn’t want to let go. 

James: “Alright ladies I was thinking tomorrow we should get together for dinner maybe? Just to get to know each other more before you guy’s start your job on Monday. Is that alright with all of you?” 

All of the girls: “Yes!” 

James: “Great we’ll see you ladies tomorrow night, make sure to dress up nice and the same goes for you boy’s.”


Chapter one is complete please be patient with us summer is almost over for me and it's hard for both of us to write the next chapter will be out when we have time love you all

Loads of love lou💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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