"I was willingly to fight them all for you Tommy!"

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Pt. 3 to "I know Tommy is here..."

Technoblade sits at Tommy's bedside, waiting for him to wake. It has been 3 days since the incident and Techno has not left his little brothers side since.

Philza sighs as he walks in. "Still isn't awake?"

"Nope." Techno sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm sure he'll wake soon." Phil sets down the stuff he was carrying.

"You know, you never told me why it took you so long to get here?" Technoblade remembers calling Philza and he didn't show for 45 minutes.

"Oh shit!" Phil runs out of the room to grab something.

"What?!" Technoblade jumps up, worried and confused.

"I was going to text Tubbo after I was done!" Phil says, as he rushes back into the room, communicater in hand.

"Tubbo?" Techno says, still confused.

"They stopped me before I could leave, but Tubbo seemed to understand somehow and told me to go." Phil types away at his communicater.

(Philza, Tubbo)

Tubbo, I'm sorry for the late text, but I just wanted to let you know that he pulled through. He still isn't out of the woods yet, but I am sure he will pull through just fine.

If you don't mind me asking, what happened?

All I can say, is that there was a break in and he got an arrow to the leg.

Prime, I don't know how to thank you!

No, I should be the one thanking you. If you didn't let me leave, I don't believe he would have made it.

Once I found out who you were going to my heart almost stopped. I don't know how he is alive, but I am glad he is. I don't know how I feel about him being with Technoblade though.

What do you mean 'I don't know how he is alive'?

When I got to his... new home, there was this pillar and I thought he might have offed himself.


I am glad he is ok though, and I promise not to tell anyone

Well I have got to go, he might wake soon. Bye Tubbo.


Phil puts down his communicater and leans back in his chair, as if a weight was lifted off of his shoulders.

"How did it go?" Techno asks after a while.

"Great." Phil sighs.

Silence falls across the room as the two stare at the sleeping young blonde in the bed. Bandages rap around the child's torso and leg, and he is still paler then ever.

Not being able to take it anymore, Technoblade stands up, walking over the his chests and rummaging in them for his tracking supplies. "I'm going to find Dream."

"No. Technoblade you can't." Phil panics at the thought of losing another son.

"I'm no good to Tommy if I don't protect him!" Techno shouts, turning to his father.

"You are no good to Tommy if you are dead!" Philza counters.

"Will you both please shut up. I am trying to sleep here." A raspy voice sounds from the bed.

Both turning, wide eyed, Technoblade and Philza turn to see Tommy, eyes open and looking around.

"Well we are in the middle of a conversation so why don't you shut up?" Technoblade says, with a smile on his face, happy that his brother is finally awake.

"Uh I was shot in the leg, so I believe that I can say whatever I want." Tommy smiles, making a move to sit up.

"Woah, woah. You just woke up, you don't need to be moving around." Phil pushes Tommy back down.

"Wait... why are you here?" Tommy asks his father, just now noticing Phil's presence.

"Techno called. Said you were hurt and that he didn't know what to do. I got here as fast as I could." Phil explains, brushing a few pieces of hair out of Tommy's face.

"I thought you were on house arrest?" Tommy says with his dry voice.

"I was, but Tubbo let me leave." Phil watches as Tommy's face shows hints of joy at the mention of his former bestfriend.

"Do you happen to have any water?" Tommy coughs.

"Uh yeah, here I'll go get some from the well." Phil grabs his coat and walks down the ladder to get to the well.

Techno and Tommy sit in a weird silence as neither of them knows what to say.

Finally, Technoblade speaks up. "I am sorry for leaving. I never should have left. I knew Dream was after you, but I didn't listen."

"It isn't your fault. He would have came even if you were here. There is no way to escape him, not ever." Tommy stares off outside the window.

"I still should have protected you. I'm a shit brother." Technoblade hangs his head.

"You are not a shit brother. Wilbur was a shit brother. Not you." Tommy looks his idol in the eyes.

From that day on, no matter what happened. Technoblade and Tommy cared for each other. No matter the fighting, no matter the circumstances.

They were brothers.

AN: AAAAA so ok guys, I need help. I HAVE RUN OUT OF IDEAS! I mean I have a few ideas, but I don't really want to do them. So if you have any, I beg of you, please leave a comment! Thank you and good day! o7

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