A Puzzle Box..

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Taking a shaky breath before turning and taking one of the torches from the statures to help look around a little better. Stepping forward and glancing around once more to see if anyone out in the open or maybe bent over in a sarcophagus instead. 

"Ryan?" Pidge called out next as she started walking down the centre path, knowing the male archaeologist would sometimes come for a visit and have a look round to see if anything new came along or to check over the older exhibition . He was allowed to just walk wherever he wanted and he would sometimes give a hand in cleaning some of the exhibitions up making him a god send for her sometimes. 

Stopping by one of the open sarcophaguss and looking inside, not finding anyone living inside. Turning around and feeling a little bit creeped out, normally this was one of her favourite spots but now .. she just felt as if someone was going to jump out at her. 

She was all up for jokes and pranks but not when she was hoping to sweeten up her boss in hopes of finding a better clue towards her brother. She was starting to wonder if the world was against her finding her only bit of family left. 

"Bob?" Pidge asked the empty room, just hoping that someone would finally answer her and make all this worth the searching instead of cleaning up the library mess. 

Turning as she heard a muffled laughed making her roll her eyes before she started moving towards the direction she heard the laugh. Checking one opened sarcophagus and finding it empty of anything living before stepping back wondering where to look next. 

But as she turned around, an mummy remains sat up in the sarcophagus making a startled scream escape her lips as she stumbled back. Her free hand on her chest, stopping her heart from ripping out of her chest while a joyful laughed filled from the sarcophagus. 

Her fright turning into annoyance as she glared towards her brother boyfriend who now sat up, grinning like a complete idiot over giving her a good scare. 

"Hey Pidgey" Lance greeted happily as he rested one arm on the edge of the sarcophagus. 

"Do that again and you'll permanently start living in one of the empty sealed sarcophagus in here" Pidge simply threatened, watching the male before her pale a little knowing she'd keep her word. 

"And here I thought I'd get a speech over having no respect for the dead. But as you seem extra grumpy, I'll take the warning on its own" Lance muttered back as he laid down the corps once more. 

"I'm not grumpy, I just don't have time to play around or put my head on the line like you've already done with Coran. I've made a bit of a mess, a big mess in fact and Coran enraged still. How am I ever going to try and get information out of him that might help us with finding Matt if I'm making Coran mood even worse .. I just .. I feel like I'm getting no where and no one wants me getting Matt back" Pidge blurted out, getting it all off her chest and lowing her head as she felt her frustration take over all again. 

Lance only frowned, concern in his eyes over his friend, his baby sister health. She was clearly taking this harder than the rest of them and he was worried for her. Sure, he was worried and panicked for his boyfriend but he knew this was much deeper for Pidge. 

Matt was the last bit of family she had left, she'd be alone if she lost him. 

Sure, she was stuck with him too, they were  a family now and he wouldn't just leave her either but he knew she'd lose a apart of herself if she did lose the last bit of her family. 

"You know, I think the dead are really lucky. No rent to pay, no hardships, no nagging and eternal sleep sounds great on a Monday morning. I think, I'd rather much join them but if I did, you'd miss out on my biggest find ever" Lance grinned goofily as he moved to climb out of the sarcophagus.

Not Another Mummy (Shidge)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat