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After being on the ship for quite some time already, Hiroka couldn't help but feel bored. He had been one of the first ones there seeing as the ship had to drive to multiple islands to get the potential hunters.

Though, he hasn't moved an inch after he had sat down on deck, pretty far from the others. Not because he was scared of them of course! Well, maybe he was a little cautious but he wouldn't tell you that. It was mainly because of the annoying sun that blinded his green eyes.

So he had decided to sit next to some sailors that were making fun of one of them. Simply raising a brow at their antics he stood up just as a little green or black haired boy came to pick up one of the apples the sailor had dropped.

Hiroka suppressed a smile. That kid seemed kind and interesting so he decided to stay a little longer instead to listen to him and the captain speak just as the boy announced a storm, making Hiroka sweatdrop.

The 17-year old was never really good at handling those. In fact, he thought storms were horrible in general and especially when being on sea on a boat. This was just his luck, wasn't it?

The kid then proceeded to do a whole parkour to get higher up so he could smell the storm, an apparently very big one at that. Hiroka glared at the kid. Such a damn show-off.

Soon the predictions of him turned out to be positive and the ship was in a big dark storm, moving left to right and coming dangerously close to always touching the surface of the water. During a rather big wave, lots of the people were sent flying through the room.

Not Hiroka of course. He held on tightly against the wood, not moving in any way while feeling awfully dizzy. This was horrible, he noticed as he stood up after it calmed down a little and walked towards the kid. He apparently had some type of weird herbs that would help so he wanted to ask for some.

On the way, he accidentally ran into a slightly shorter blonde guy, immediately apologizing quietly before holding onto him instead. Shit, that storm made him want to get rid of everything he had held in his stomach. However, that blonde guy was already talking to some others and scolding them.

"It is painful to have to endures such idiocy for hours on end. If one more man comes up to me and calls me a lady!", the blonde growled before sighing, "But I suppose I can't throw myself overboard."

Hiroka sweated nervously and he was sure that if he wasn't feeling so sick he would have to hold in his laughter at this. Of course, the blonde looked rather feminine with his long hair but it was still somehow obvious that he was a boy as soon as the blonde looked back at him into his eyes.

"Oh! My apologies, I didn't realize I was blocking your way.", he spoke while Hiroka felt slightly light headed from the stare he was receiving. That guy had red eyes. Pretty cool, huh?

"Oh god, you don't seem to be doing so well, are you alright?" Hiroka paused, nodding and then immediately regretting it with a wince. "I'd like to say I am but truth is, I really don't do well with storms and the sea.", he admitted.

"I see. That is understandable, of course. Just.. That kid, I think 'Gon' was his name, gave some people some plant to help out with their seasickness, did you not get any?"

Hiroka chuckled quietly, "I was actually on the way to ask for some. Before I stumbled into you, that is." The blonde just nodded in response. "But I think I'm feeling better already, so no worries!", the black haired guy smiled.

"Maybe you should sit down a little, even if you're feeling better, you still look a little troubled and also dizzy too." It was as if Hiroka lost control over his mouth as he blurted the next thing out. "Could you sit with me then?", he asked, getting a confused look at first in return.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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