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I'd never felt more connected to a stranger than I had that night in the woods. I heard his phone begin to ring as an alarm sounded. It was an alert from the news. "Attention citizens, the bomb has now been safely disabled. You can return to your normal lives," I heard a voice say from his phone. A smile spread across my face as I breathed a sigh of relief. "We're going to live!" I shouted, jumping up from the ground. "Yes! I told you we'd be alright!" the stranger cheered, standing beside me. I looked into his eyes to see the person who had helped me rediscover my purpose for living. "I never got to know your name," I said, studying his features. "My name is Braeden Aguirre, and yours?" he asked me. "My name is Synthia Mathers," I told him, shaking his hand. "I look forward to seeing you again sometime, Synthia. Hopefully not under such dire circumstances," he said with a laugh. "Yeah, I hope to see you too," I answered.

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