The Experiment

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A few hours later, the hover-car experiment had become a headline as all of the cars had suddenly exploded. "There was a tragic malfunction with the new hover-car devices. However, thanks to our participants, we were able to find the issue. I urge you not to be afraid and participate in the next experiments for the new and improved hover-car technology," the president spoke from the screen. I froze when I first heard the news about the explosion. "They're gone-" I whispered, a single tear trickling down my face. "They're gone! Damn it, they're gone!" I screamed, grabbing a vase next to me and smashing it. I'd never wept like I wept that night. My entire family was dead and all the government had to offer was a shallow apology and an invitation for more lives to be taken. It was then that I realized how little humanity was left in the world. Humans were treated as experimentees, as expendable things to use for personal gain.

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