The Bomb

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I'd gone up to Carson's old room to find his radio sitting on the window sill. Three years had passed since the accident. "Attention citizens, the bomb we've created to defeat our enemies across the globe has now been activated. We don't know who triggered it, but if we can not figure out how to disable the bomb- these may be our final hours alive. Stay with your loved ones and say your final goodbyes before it is too late!" a man spoke from the radio. My eyes widened as I heard the news and dropped Carson's radio onto the floor. "Mom, dad, Carson! We need to get out of here, quick! I don't know what to do!" I screamed, racing down the stairs. I caught my breath and looked around to see the empty living room before me. There were no family members to say goodbye to or people to live for. It was then that I realized that I'd rather be dead than be alive. Everyone I'd once loved had died and left me broken and alone, living in a world that was cold and callused and empty. I grabbed my coat and dashed out the door on that dark summer night, July fourth two thousand and thirty three.

As the World Caves InKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat