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"W-what happened did i do something" i'm confused why nancy started crying. "Nancy has been trying for a boy for a very long time. My father was very strict to her and told her if another woman can give the shepherd family the first boy instead of the first daughter,"Henry explained. And Carylon went on saying "she wouldn't be a part of the heir. If she was pregnant right now with a boy right and further along than you she would be a part of the heir. It's just rare to have a boy in the family so the mother of one is appreciated more." Carolyn whispered. "So that's why you were so happy that we were having a boy , to have an advantage over your sister" I asked derek. And he didn't respond. "That's foul derek. this whole thing about favouring someone is foul ." I looked at mr.shepherd and he looked offended. "I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs.shepherd if you're offended. And I'm sorry about the whole thing that it is rare to have a boy in the family but it could really hurt someone's feeling that they can't give their loved ones what they want."Mrs. Shepherd sighed and gave me a hug. "You are right darling and the whole thing is foul. I was in your position the same exact thing when i was pregnant with Derek, Henry's sister was furious but i didn't have the courage to speak up and i appreciate it" she kissed my cheek and put her hands on my belly. "This baby is a miracle and it is the shepherd's heir and I would be known everywhere" she whispered. "We're really grateful for you Meredith,"mr.shepherd said and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry amore" Derek said and pulled me by my waist and kissed my lips softly. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and saw my mom and dad. "Mom!!" I hugged her and she gave me a kiss on my cheek and I turned and hugged my dad. "Meredith darling i missed you i see derek knocked you up" catherine and author adopted me when i was seven but they told my biological father one day he can visit he did and i still don't like him to this day but author is a really great dad to me even if he's stubborn. "How do you know the shepherds.?" i asked "they sponsored the hospital a couple years ago" my dad said. "I didn't know they were your parents, '' Der said while shaking my fathers hand. "Well you didn't ask" I turned towards him and gave a sly smile. I'm realizing that Derek and I really don't know each other. He doesn't ask me about my past or family. 

The shepherds heirWhere stories live. Discover now