Ellie walked up to me and grabbed my hand. She wasn't so different from Y/n. She was sweet, caring and beautiful. But she was also different at the same time. She was good in bed, but she just didn't know me like Y/n did. It was natural with Y/n.

Ellie is more romantic, don't get me wrong it's sweet but with Y/n it was fun. Y/n was my best friend and girlfriend in one. Ellie, she makes it about the relationship. Every night is a romantic dinner night.

I love Ellie. I love Y/n. I love them both. Will she ever remember me? Even if I have moved one and so has she, our friendship can be brought back, right?

"Are you ready to go handsome?" Ellie asked.

"Sure," I replied.

The nicknames she used were Cringey but they were cute. We walked back to her house. She lived alone. The only place we get alone together. When I'm not with her I'm at home with my family.

Fred and George know about the ovlivation but mum doesn't. She thinks that me and Y/n broke up while Y/n focuses on herself. Mum hasn't met Ellie yet. Ellie wants to meet my parents but I put it off. I tell her that they are busy or some lie.

I don't know if she and Draco still talk, I don't know anything. How she's feeling about the battle, losing her father. I want to see her again. I need to talk to her. But I can't.

I walked back with Ellie to her house. We cooked dinner and sat around a table with candles. It was like this every night. We sat and watched a film. Ellie was more film than book. I hardly read anymore.

~ Y/ns POV ~

Hunter and I walked back to my house. Pansy was there cleaning up. I walked over and hugged her. As I rested my head on her shoulder I saw Draco in the corner of my eye. I let go of the hug and smiled at him. He smiled back and I walked over and hugged him. He hugged me back tight.

He rubbed his hands up my back as he comforted me in the hug. Hunter's face was angry. Why? We're not dating. Dracos hands rested on my lower back. Hunter walked over and separated the hug.

"Watch the hands," Hunter said.

"I can touch wherever thank you," Draco replied.

"No one is touching anything," I said.

"Already have love," Hunter said.

"Same," Draco said.

They both smirked and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Pansy. We walked into the kitchen to grab strawberries. Then I left Pansy and Draco in the kitchen.

I felt bad. The one day I see Draco, the day we are kinda like before the battle, I leave him. I didn't give him a reason why I left. Everything was so confusing. I want to know this person. I need to know them.

I heard a quiet knock on my door. I looked over as Draco walked in. What was I meant to tell him?

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked.

"No," I said.

"Then why did you leave?" He asked.

"Everything is so confusing," I said.

"Like what?" He replied.

"Since the battle, memories have been odd. I remember things but I don't." I explained.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, I remember things but it's like something is missing. Someone" I said.

Draco looked away. He knew what I was on about. Yet he acted dumb. I could see on his face he knew. I was eager to find out. I need to know who.

"Maybe it's your mind playing tricks," he said.

Seductive: part 1&2 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now