Chapter 3

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I walked back to my dorm and started packing ready to go home for break. Draco and Pansy returned, Pansy stayed in the common room while Draco came in and spoke to me.

I explained the whole situation to Draco, about what happened and he understood. I told Draco about me also thinking I have feelings for Ron.

I left some pjs ready for my last night to sleep in and finished packing. I went for a shower and then laid in bed. I laid until I fell asleep. I knew Ron and I wouldn't see each other until after the holidays now. I was quite certain that I had feelings for Ron now. But he wants Hermione. Not long after overthinking everything I fell asleep.

~ Ron's POV ~

I explained to Hermione what happened between Y/n and I. She was understanding, she still wants to make this happen, she wants to stay with me. In a way I was happy, but in other ways I wasn't. Y/n and I weren't going to see each other until after the holidays. Maybe it was best to give Hermione and I time together. Time for me to move on. She was never going to want me the way I wanted her.

Hermione and I headed to our dorms and packed. I had a shower and got into bed. I fell asleep quietly.

I woke up and grabbed my stuff and walked into the common room and saw Harry and Hermione waiting. They were both joining me at my house. We all left and arrived at my house with the rest of the family.

~ Y/ns POV ~

I woke up and grabbed my things, I walked into the common room and saw draco. He hugged me and we headed out of the school. My father and Lucius were together and we walked over to them. Lucius and Draco going one way, my father and I going another.

I arrived home and went straight to my room. I unpacked and laid in my bed quietly.

~~~ a few weeks later ~~~
       ~ Y/ns POV ~

A few weeks have passed, school is starting again tomorrow. I was kinda excited. Draco and I have been in touch regularly. Ron, I haven't heard a thing.

~ Ron's POV ~

Hermione and I have been doing great. We start school again tomorrow and I was kinda worried. We have to get the Hogwarts express. I knew I had to see Y/n at school but I'm kinda scared about seeing her. We haven't spoken since we left. I hope she's doing great.

~~~ the next morning ~~~
          ~Ron's POV~

I woke up and woke Hermione and Harry. I was kinda excited to spend another school year with them. It didn't take much to wake them.

We grabbed our things and headed to platform 9¾. I saw Y/n from a distance and smiled slightly. She waved at me.

We waited in line to go through the wall.

~ Y/ns POV ~

I saw Ron and my heart sank. I waved at him when he smiled. It made my heart feel worse. Draco came up behind me and hugged me. I turned around and looked at him and smiled.

"Hey, how have you been?" I asked.

"Better now I've seen you". He said.

We were just friends. We didn't sleep together like Ron and I did but it was great to have a best friend.

Draco pushed in front of me and went through the wall first. I shook my head and tried to walk through but crashed. Ron also didn't get through. Everyone but us two were through. We looked at each other.

"What are we meant to do?" I asked.

"This happened before, Harry and I drove the flying car," Ron said.

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