Chapter 4

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~ Y/ns POV ~

I looked around once we arrived at Beacon Hills, no one was around. Everyone must be in class. I walked over to Ron who looked awfully worried. I wanted to kiss him and reassure him, no one knew about us other than Draco, Hermione, Harry and my father caught us kissing. Would it be bad if people found out?

Ron was just standing there, he would look over every now and then while we stood next to the bus. I decided to walk over to him and stand with him. We both didn't know what to say.

The bell at the Beacon Hills school rang and everyone came out of their classes. 4 young guys, handsome but I couldn't say that. Ron was the only guy I wanted to look at. 2 girls walked with the guys towards us.

"Hey, from Hogwarts, right?" One of the guys said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'm Scott," he said. "This is stiles, liam, Theo, Lydia and Malia.

They all waved. I tried not to look. I didn't want Ron to over think. They stood and looked at everyone and introduced themselves.

"Thank you Scott, do you mind taking them to where they will be staying while I speak to your principal?" Professor dumbledoor said.

"Sure, follow me guys," Scott said.

Everyone began to follow. Draco and Pansy walked up next to Ron and I while Harry and Hermione were in front of us walking.

"Remember to keep your hands to yourself," Pansy said.

"Or give your hands to me," Draco said, smirking.

"Oh fuck off draco, the only place my hands are going, it to myself or Ron" I replied.

Draco knew about me and Ron but Pansy didn't, and I just said that out loud.

Ron looked at me and smiled. He gave me a slight nudge and walked off to catch up with Harry and Hermione. I was left with draco and Pansy. He really left me with them.

"Why would your hands touch ron? A Weasley? Disgusting" Pansy said and walked off.

"Oh and stiles is mine" she yelled.

Stiles must have noticed, he turned around and looked at us. We arrived in a big room, more like a hotel.

"Okay, there's 4 per room. Boys and girls can share" Scott said.

Ron looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back. Maybe we can finally share without sneaking around.

I started to walk over to Ron when Harry and Hermione walked over to him dragging Ginny with them.

Hermione looked at me and gave a smile. She grabbed Ginny for a reason. Harry and Ginny have the beds next to each other while Ron and her have the beds next to each other. I wrapped my hand into a fist. I thought we were over this. Ron doesn't want her, right?

Draco looked at the 4 then walked over to me.

"Join me" he said loud enough for Ron to hear.

Ron also put his hand into a fist.

"I..I don't know" I said.

"Has everyone got their groups?" Scott shouted.

Not everyone from Hogwarts came. There was enough for 6 groups of 4.

"I'm sorry I didn't make it clear, one of us 6 will be joining in your groups, please make a group of 3" Scott said.

I once again looked at ron. He started to move when Hermione grabbed his wrist and pushed Ginny away. That was their group of 3.

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