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I had this idea that AJ is this brutal violent kind of guy who killed Sev's old mentor. This way when its brought up it'll put a strain on their relationship. It was a last minute thing that didn't go anywhere. But I liked the idea so in the next few drafts I'll work it in.

Streaks of lightning ripped through the black clouds above; followed by a thunderous boom that echoed down below. AJ and Sev lied on top of a hill out studying the town from a safe distance. It looked more like a military installation than a place where people lived. Soldiers carrying assault rifles, stood behind blockades at the two major roads that lead through the town. There was a tower ever thirty meters throughout the town with soldiers on mountain machineguns acting as sentries. They shined a white spotlight that bullied back the darkness.

The two major roads rumbled as rusted tanks left their tracks in the dirt road. A convoy of three pickup trucks carrying four soldiers in each one, follow the tank as it patrolled around the outer perimeter.

“That place is heavily guard,” AJ said. “How are we going to get in?”

“We move in using stealth and only kill those we can’t avoid,” Sev said. “If Victor is as powerful as you say he is, using flash step will alert him. Last thing we need is a massive fight to wear us down.”

“Then if that’s the case, let’s hurry up,” AJ reached into his holster and pulled out his pistol. Though spectres don’t rely on them, its still issued out by the military. “Where do you think Harlot’s body is?”

“You see that hospital right to the left?” Sev said, looking at the tall building in the distance. It stood four stories and laid out in the shape of a cross. It’s right wing was completely collapsed as if a plane had crashed through.

“Yeah that’s their main headquarters,” AJ said. “I stayed there for a day so I know the place pretty good.”

“Alright, let’s do this.”

AJ and Sev skulked across the desert to the town. They used the darkness to obscure their presence as they geared closer and closer to the enemy. Sev grabbed AJ by the shoulder and pulled him back behind a boulder. A white tower light swept across and would have spotted them if it wasn’t for Sev’s quick thinking. Once the light had passed, He peeked around.

They were right at the first blockade. Two soldiers stood soldiers stood guard and two soldiers were in the tower with one moving the spotlight.

“There are four soldier at the blockade,” Sev said. “We can easily take them but I thinking about something.”

“And what is that?” AJ asked.

“Do you think these soldiers know what Carter is doing? If not then can’t we just walk right through without having to sneak around.”

AJ shook his head. “It’s a possible but I don’t want to take the chance. Let’s just continue with the plan and sneak inside.”

Sev looked over his shoulder and saw a soldier pointing his gun at them. He was about to fire but Sev pushed AJ against the wall and fired three quick shots from his silenced pistol. Two to the chest and one to the head. The soldier over dead.

“Holy shit,” AJ said.

Sev smiled. “Well I guess we know they’re not friendly.”

“Carter, Mike and Victor were talking about operation pale rider and some group called the Gaia,” AJ said. “I’m sure they got their soldiers in on it too.”

“So we’re in agreement, soldiers are bad shoot them if we have too.”

AJ and Sev managed to sneak through the town without having to kill anymore soldiers along the way. The closer they got the more soldiers were patrolling. Carter had his men closely guard the the hospital while leaving the outskirts lightly defended. They moved through the alleyways which made it easier to get through. They weaved around the dumpsters and wadded over the trash that filled the alley until they got to the otherside.

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