two of them

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'3 new messages,' read the banner notification on Wilhelms phone. He picked it up and saw that one of them was from his mother asking if he was okay, and two were from Felice. Even though he didn't want to admit it to even himself, everytime he got a new message he felt just a little tingle in his stomach hoping it was from Simon. Time after time he got let down. Wilhelm knew he had screwed up and let Simon down and he had every right to be pissed, but it was still the two of them, not some ordinary people, the two of them.

He had been texting with Felice quite a lot during Christmas break after she had figured out August was the one who had shared the video. Wilhelm liked the distraction, Felice didn't ask or talk about the video, so he didnt have to talk about the video either. Everything else in his life at that moment had something to do with it, so it was nice to have someone to talk about regular stuff.

Wilhelm opened Felices message. There was a text that said "I wish u could be here!" and a photo of her and Sara at a party. Felice had invited him to that party too but his parents didn't let him go. Wilhelm looked at the picture and felt a bit of jealousy. 'Life would be so much better if I was able to do normal things, have normal friends, go to normal parties. And... I could be with Simon.' he thought. Wait, Simon. Someone had caught his eye in the backround. Wilhelm felt his heart do a cartwheel. There he was, sitting lazily on a chair with his perfect curly hair, well looking perfect as always.Wilhelm zoomed in and just stared at the boy for awhile. Then he put his phone back on the nightstand and sighed loud.

Thoughts were rushing through his head. 'What was Simon doing in there?' 'Does his being there mean he will be coming back to Hillerska next semester?' And then came one thought that scared him a little; 'What if he meets someone in there.'

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