Harrison and.. Nurf

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Hey so uh it's the creator here, sorry if the first part was short and sucky, I'm not the best at this so yeah, anyways enjoy the rest and I'll try to make this part decently longer than the last and just know this part is most likely sucky too

Your P.O.V.

You're casually following David while he takes you to your designated camp, you see the other three campers that greeted you leave off into the distance.
I don't think they care much if they leave that quick huh.
You see all of these other cool looking camps, David then stops in his tracks and you slam into him not paying attention. Your nose hurts twice as bad because you slammed into the bus seat when the breaks were slammed and completely forgot what pain was in that moment cause you were so focused on the camp.
"Ow! That hurt bad, what the fuck."
You mumble that. David turns around and points to a stage with a kid preforming magic tricks,
"This is magic camp Y/N! Here you can see the other camper who signed up for magic camp."
You see a light brown haired boy turn around pulling a rabbit out of his hat and then looking flustered, he turns to the side and takes a deep breath.
"This here is Harrison, Harrison this is Y/N!"
David says that seeing no problems in how awkward this is.
Why did it have to be so awkward.
You see Harrison turn back to facing you, you stare at his olive green eyes in amazement on how pretty his eyes are.
"Uh h-hello Y/N, as you know of I'm Harrison, nice to meet you.?"
Harrison says that with a slightly flustered look on his face like he hasn't talked to anyone in a while.

Harrison's P.O.V.

This is really awkward, I don't know how I manage to say hello but I did it. I hope I don't seem too weird.
Y/N responds with a slight smile,
"Hello Harrison, uh nice to meet you too."
I stare at them in amazement
Their voice sounds so soothing and calm, it's really nice and calming.
You start to feel less tense and less flustered after hearing Y/N speak for the first time to you.
"Hey uh Y/N! Do you wanna see a trick.?"
They respond with a big smile on their face, you can tell they really do take an interest into magic.
"Sure. That sounds like a lot of fun!"
You start to pull out a deck of cards, you shuffle them nicely not dropping one. You spread them in your hand and tell Y/N to pick a card. You see them pick a card straight from the middle and remember it, you put it back into the deck and start shuffling the cards very smoothly. Y/N looks happy to be part of a trick with another magician, you stop shuffling and pick a card,
"Is this your card?"
"Uh.. no, it isn't"
Y/N responds, you smile knowing that the trick is going to work.
"It may not be your card, but what is this in your hand?"
You say that looking very confident. You see them look at their hand with a puzzled face wondering where the card came from and how they didn't notice they were holding it.
"Is that your card?"
Y/N looks at the card and looks surprised in amazement.
"Yes.. it is somehow. I don't know how you did it but that's really cool!"
They respond with that and hearing them call your trick cool gives you a fuzzy feeling in your stomach.
You look at Y/N locking eyes, they looked a little flustered that I did that.
It's all good Harrison, they liked your trick, as long as they are happy- WAIT... wha.. what?
You start to turn flustered at your thoughts while slightly blushing wondering where you thought of that from.

Your P.O.V.

You see Harrison starting to get flustered and blush a little.
What is he thinking about? ... what if.. no it wouldn't be something dirty... would it? NO! Harrison is a good person he wouldn't.
You also start to get flustered and blush at your thoughts. You hand Harrison your card back. It was the ace of spades
I sure am lucky if I manage to pull my favorite card my first time, well I guess I'm just lucky then.
You hand Harrison the card back while smiling knowing you're both gonna end up being great friends.
"Aha, the ace of spades, I like this card."
Harrison says that and it catches you off guard thinking he wouldn't like the card, you start to slightly blush and he notices, he starts to blush a little too.
That- that's just a coincidence right? Right? Well all I know is that I'm blushing and it's very obvious so I know for a fact Harrison will notice. Wait. Why do I care what Harrison thinks.
You start to get the butterfly feeling in your stomach.
Why do I care about what Harrison thinks of me? I don't know. This makes no sense.

"Alrighty campers time for lunch!"
We both hear David yell that and it scares you both not knowing he was close by.
"What the fuck David, you didn't have to yell."
You reply to David with that statement.
"Yes I did camper also that is not appropriate language."
David says that and it makes you mad.
Why did he have to be super loud, that sucks ass. Well at least I get to sit down at the mess hall.
You and Harrison both start to walk to the mess hall, you noticed you two are one of the first campers there. Harrison shows you where we are supposed to get our food, the person serving it was the bus driver, apparently his name is Quartermaster but you pay no attention to that but more so on the food.
"What in the fuck is this food?"
You say that abrupt without thinking and Harrison lets out a slight chuckle.
"Yeah the food looks terrible but it's not that bad."
Harrison responds with that to my statement and I'm just going to believe in his words and trust the food isn't bad. He shows me where he usually sits to eat and I sit across from him.
This isn't so bad I guess, I mean it could have been worse.
You gently poke your mashed potatoes with your spork and decided not to eat it.
"Aren't you going to eat Y/N?"
Harrison asks me that and there's one thing I can say in response.
"No fucking way! At least not today anyways, I really don't want to eat this today."
"Alright then I guess, at least eat this granola bar I got from David. Okay?"
Harrison hands me the granola bar and I don't want to make him worry so I start to eat it. Little did I know that the rest of the campers have already arrived and one camper specific decided to comment on me a Harrison.
"Haha look at this guys, Harrison must have a crush on them!"
The kid had ginger red hair and a yellow camp shirt. Once I hear what he said I stop eating and start to get flustered and blush.
I don't think this guy is correct, is he? I don't know but what I do know is that I'm feeling really embarrassed. Even enough so to be talking to myself in thought. Wow Y/N, great going.

Harrison's P.O.V.

As I hand Y/N a granola bar cause I don't want them to go hungry, I see Nurf walking towards us and I know for a fact he's gonna say something about us.
"Haha look at this guys, Harrison must have a crush on them!"
I didn't expect Nurf to say that, it leaves me blushing a flustered. I look across and see Y/N also flustered and blushing.
Just why did Nurf have to say that, now Y/N probably thinks I'm a complete weirdo, and I don't even like Y/N like that. Do I? No don't be ridiculous Harrison, there's no way that's true. Right? I don't know but I need to get Nurf to stop.
"Nurf shut the fuck up, no one cares."
He seemed stunned by response I had but he had it coming.
"Yeah? Well at least I'm not a stupid magic weirdo that pretends their a magician when all they do is play stupid little tricks that don't work!"
"That- that hurt, I-I gotta go.."
Nurf decides to add, "Good! No one wants you here anyways!"

Your P.O.V.

I see Harrison get up and leave the mess hall to where I'm assuming is his tent.
"Harrison wait!"
I call out to him but he just keeps walking with his head facing the ground. I'm assuming that the ginger heads name is Nurf.
"Nurf, you're a fucking bitch!"
"Yeah so what, no one even likes Harrison, it doesn't matter."
Hearing him reply with that hurts my heart to hear, I get up and shove my tray into Nurf.
"What the hell was that for!"
He responds with that but I don't care and flip him off while I start to figure out where Harrison went so I can go comfort him.
Goddamn it, Harrison where are you! I need to make sure you're okay!
I continue walking and see David standing while looking a little confused. My next best bet to find Harrison starts with him.

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