Camp Campbell..?

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Your P.O.V.

It's the morning on a partially cloudy day, you really didn't wan't to do this but your parents forced you to go to camp. You have to go to camp, just the thought of it makes you get chills having to stay at a place with no control whatsoever. You start to pack your bag contemplating why you agreed to go, you mindlessly pick out clothes to take with you and pack it into your bag. After you finish packing you wait for the bus to come pick you up, while doing so you decide to look through the flyer that your parents showed you. Magic camp. You've always liked magic and took interest into it,
"I never thought today would be the day I get to practice magic at some stupid camp."
You say out loud reading the flyer.
I wonder what the other campers would be like at magic camp, cool? Crazy? Fun? I don't know but let's at least try to make friends.
You soon hear a bus honking the horn in the distance.
I guess it's time to get to camp.

I enter the bus carrying my bag behind me, the driver is a old looking man with one hook for a hand.
What the fuck type of driver is this? Can he even drive? I don't know but if I survive this ride then I guess he can.
You sit down on a slightly torn seat at the front of the bus, looking out the window you start to see more and more trees wondering where you're going. The road starts to get more and more bumpy and rock like.
Well this sure is gonna be one hell of a ride.

You think of when you were talking to your mother about where the camp is located. "Camp Campbell is at Sleepy Peak y'know. It's gonna be a long drive so you better get comfy when the bus arrives."
You recall your mother saying.
"How long is the drive exactly?"
You ask wanting to know.
"About five hours if I remember this correctly." Your mother says this and the flashback ends.
I hate this camp already.

You somehow fell asleep on the way there managing to catch 3 hours of sleep. You suddenly wake up when you smash your face into the seat ahead of you because of how hard the brakes were hit
What in the hell... did the brakes just lock up?
You start contemplating life again and look out the window, you see a camp mess hall, two adult looking people wearing what looks like Camp Campbell t-shirts, and three kids waiting for your arrival. The bus driver opens the door and says,
"Bus is here."

You stand up and walk out of the bus doors. You are greeted by the people you previously saw outside from the window.
"Howdy camper! I'm David your new camp counselor! Right next to me is Gwen the other counselor in charge!"
You see a tired looking girl slightly wave at you with no interest at all.
"And right here are three of my campers, Max, Niki, and Neil."
David says without skipping a beat.
"You must be Y/N? Nice to meet you!"
"Uh yeah I am Y/N.."
You say looking noticeably nervous for your first time at camp.
"So let's see what camp you signed up for!"
David manages to say right after not noticing your nervousness.
"Hmm it says here you signed up for magic camp, let's take you there right now!"
David states.
"Uhm alright then I guess."
You say a little flustered by how happy and energetic David is compared to you, he soon starts walking and you're guessing he want's you to follow him so you do.
This is honestly way different than I was expecting, well at least they seem nice. Now to meet the other people who are at magic camp! Let's just hope they aren't too weird..

Magic Camp(Harrison x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now