29 ➵ one day later

Start from the beginning

"I'm scared," Calum suddenly said out of nowhere.

"You don't have to be."

"M-Michael, there's a 99,9% chance that I'm p-pregnant. I'm carrying a baby in me. This is s-so scary for me. I-I'm only nineteen. I don't want to go to the doctor, I just want to go back to bed and sleep."

I sighed and motioned him to come over and sit on my lap and I wrapped my arms around his waist when he did, holding him close to my body.

"I know this is scary and I know you don't want this. But I know you can do this, we can do it together. I've told you so many times that I'm here for you, I always will be."

"I know, I know. It's just -- what if it's not your baby? We used a condom, it's most definitely not yours."

I smiled softly, "Calum, condoms are never one hundred percent safe. They can break, you know? It happens and even if the little pea which is growing inside of you isn't mine, I will treat her or him like my own child. I won't leave you alone."

Calum pressed a kiss to my lips, letting his linger for a few seconds before pulling away with a little smile.

We stayed in this position for a few more minutes. I just looked at him and took in all his beauty. It overwhelmed me. It was like I almost forgot how he looked like even if I was staring at him constantly and then when I realized again how beautiful he truly was, it always flashed me.

"We should clean the dishes and then drive to the doctors," Calum suggested and I agreed with a small nod.


I parked the car in front of the building and looked over to Calum who was nervously fiddling with his thumbs. I reached out and took one of his hands in mine.

"Are you nervous?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, even though I practically know that I'm pregnant I can't help but to be nervous about this. If the test comes out positive then it would be official, it would mean that we would become parents."

I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared shitless because I really was.

Even though I said I would help Calum, which I definitely would, I was still scared. I couldn't even keep a goldfish alive for a week let alone take care of my little cousin for a day, how was I supposed to raise a child?

But I guessed I could worry about this later since we now just needed to concentrate on this pregnancy test.

We got out of the car and walked into the doctor's office and I took a moment to look around. There were two pregnant women and a pregnant man with their supporters. It almost knocked the air from my lungs. It was so surreal.

"May I help you?" the receptionist's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I shook my head slightly and gripped Calum's hand, leading him to the desk.

"Hi, um, we have an appointment. Well, I mean, it's Calum's, but I made it and I'm going in with him. Which means it's our's I guess, but-" Calum's hand tapped my elbow to stop my rambling.

"We have an appointment with Dr. Sew at ten," Calum said timidly.

"Sign your name here and the time and your name will be called when the doctor is ready for you," the lady smiled and pointed to a clipboard.

I signed in for Calum, his hands were too shaky, and led the both of us to some empty chairs.

"Mikey, I'm scared that I will be a bad dad," Calum whispered as he buried his head in my shoulder.

"There's no need to worry about that. You'd be the best dad in the history of dads," I smiled softly and ran my fingers through his hair.

The next twenty minutes were spent in silence, the only thing being heard was my heart pounding in my ears and Calum's relaxing breathes.

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