"No, let's not get ahead of ourselves." Derek says to Meredith.

"Well, just the lawsuit damages then.And we've got Mark's share, too." Callie says to Arizona.

"Mark's share?" Arizona says to Callie.

"Yeah, and Lexie's maybe?Is that rude of me..." Callie says turning to Meredith.

"I mean, I would have to ask her...Our, our father..." Meredith says to Callie.

"Don't worry. Excuse me.Yes, this is rude of you." Arizona says to her wife.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but we can't waste time
on politeness here." Callie says to Arizona as Ava,Derek and Meredith watch.

"And Mark's share is not our money.It's Sofia's.
You should've talked about this with me..." Arizona says to Callie.

"That's what we're doing." Callie tells her.

"I mean privately with your wife." Arizona says to Callie.

"Where is Cristina?" Callie asks Meredith as they look at her.

"I don't know. I keep texting her.She would say yes to this." Meredith says to them.

"How do you know that?" Arizona asks Meredith.

"She knows." Callie,Derek and Ava say at the same time.
"You're ready to let Pegasus Horizons
turn us into a bunch of robots." Callie says to Arizona as the two of them arguing.

"You are ready to sink $50 million into maintaining a good vibe." Arizona snaps at her wife as the other three stand watching the couple argue.

"So what's the alternative? We leave?" Meredith asks them.

"No, I don't want to leave.This hospital is not something that we lucked into.This is something that we made.And Webber hired us,
and he set a tone.Hunt sets a tone,and it's something I am proud to be a part of, and it's worth fighting for.Shoot. Sorry. Is that mine or yours?" Callie says as one of the babies begin crying through the monitor.

"It's mine, but she's gonna wake yours." Meredith says to Callie as she goes to see to Zola.

"I think Callie's right.This isn't about a financial investment.It's a much bigger opportunity...To stay and make the place we dreamed of work again." Derek says to them.

"Yes." Callie says agreeing with him.

"Oh, God. Will you two stop it?We are not spending this money.If I have learned anything
in the past year, it's that we don't get to know
what's coming around the corner.Anything can happen, to you, to me.Anything.And our daughter deserves as much protection as we can give her.And we have the chance to not have to worry no matter what happens,a chance to be prepared should the worst happen..." Arizona explains to Callie.

"I don't want to live like that...Getting ready for disasters that may never happen." Callie says to her wife.

"Well, we have an opportunity right now to do something about it.And maybe we have a responsibility to do that..." Derek says as Arizona cuts him off.

"Oh, don't try and make me feel selfish.Don't try and make me feel guilty just because you do." Arizona snaps at Derek.

"Who said I felt guilty?" Derek asks her.

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