levi- games and snacks

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being friends with levi was one of the most unproblematic things in the Devildom. levi had one solution for every problem, and it surprisingly worked. 

feeling sad? video games and snacks. feeling angry? video games and snacks. bored with nothing to do? you guessed it, video games and snacks.

tonight your mind was too awake to sleep. knowing that your otaku friend was most definitely awake, you decided to head over to his room for, of course, video games and snacks. 

you were dressed in your usual pajamas with your hair lazily done. you and levi had been close for as long as you've been in the Devildom, so looking like you had just woken up even though you've barley slept was nothing new. you reach his door and knock quietly, afraid that if you were too loud lucifer would make you return to your room. although, you had a small feeling lucifer was fully aware that the two of you would spend late nights up with video games and snacks. 

levi's door was still closed in your face, so you knocked quietly a second time. after a few more moments of silence you had a feeling levi was listening to his favorite anime openings at ear deafening volumes. trying the handle, you were pleased when you found the door was unlocked. you walked into the room, closing the door quietly behind you.

"levi!" you say once you are directly behind him, and he jumps.

"y-y/n?! when did you- what are you doing here?" he exclaims with a light blush on his cheeks.

"i can't come visit you? and i knocked, you just couldn't hear because of your loud music. wanna play some games?"

levi smiles slightly after hearing your last sentence. of course he wanted to play video games with his crush! and he wouldn't admit it, but it made him happy you came to hang out with him instead of any of the other demon brothers.

"yeah we can, but don't hate on my loud music! you know it's good," he says teasingly.

you take a seat next to levi on his couch, and he hands you a controller. after a few minutes you guys decide on a game, and begin to play.

"you shouldn't be as good as me when you barley began playing..." levi mutters under his breath just loud enough for you to hear.

"hey i heard that! and i can't help that i was born talented," you joke with a wink. levi blushes slightly and turns his attention back to the game playing on the screen.

after hours of playing video games and munching on snacks, you begin to feel tired. looking at levi beside you, you see he is on the brink of sleep as well. without saying anything, the both of you place your controllers down and fall asleep on the couch. 

in the morning when you awake, you are confused to find you aren't in your bedroom. surprisingly enough, after every late night with levi you somehow found the energy to make it back to your own bed. today was different, because you had somehow curled up next to levi, and he was currently awake staring at you with a very deep blush on his cheeks. 

"g-good morning levi," you whisper, still processing the situation. you had fallen asleep and snuggled next to your crush! what if he doesn't let you stay late to hang out with him anymore! maybe now levi thinks you're totally weird...

"y/n i have something to say," levi blurts out

oh no. levi is going to tell me i'm a total weirdo, and our friendship will be akward now!

"you're really pretty," he manages to say without stuttering.

"w-what?" the surprise is evident in your voice.

"i-i said you're pretty.." his eyes break contact with yours.

"thank you levi, and uh.. sorry for falling asleep on you," you mutter sheepishly, pulling your body away from his warm one.

"d-don't worry. i uh- i didn't really mind." he replies with a small smile.

you smile sweetly at him, saying you should probably both go and eat breakfast before beel leaves nothing left.

Obey Me! One-ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ