minecraft impostor role

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A/N: hey y'all, sorry for not reviewing the past 2 gametoons gaming videos. i decided i'm probably not gonna review all of their videos. you're probably asking why. well, i haven't been having much time to watch all their videos. i've been doing other things irl and experiencing a bit of wifi issues. now that that's out of the way, on with the review:

how ironic i was playing minecraft before this video was uploaded 💀

not even 2 mins into the vid and i actually like this mod so far! it's so creative and ik it's not even among us anymore but i still love it

mr egg: *sees a pig* i'm gonna name you mr. bacon. what happens if i hit u? *hits mr. bacon* OH NO MR. BACON

rip mr. bacon, can i eat him now? 🌚


there is so many creepers,,


captain: "it's dangerous to go alone, take this!" captain plays zelda? omgg i stan captain now.

wait a sec when they die they just, die instead of respawning ? that's weird (NOT ME FORGETTING THIS IS A MOD IN AMONG US INSTEAD OF THE ACTUAL GAME)

this is definitely my favorite gametoons gaming mod so far, i give it a 1000/10 rating

i'm gonna go play minecraft now BYE BESTIES

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