unpopular opinion: mr cheese

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so let's talk abt Mr Cheese. im gonna talk abt my problems with him. dont get me wrong, i personally like mr cheese and think he's ok, but there's still a few problems about him that get under my skin.

this is my personal opinion so disagree if u want.

first of all, his personality is not so great. like have y'all seen among us logic 12? he was a complete jerk in that episode. that episode was when his entire personality went downhill. he bullied player and veteran in that episode for NO reason. player's starting to turn into a friend (?) kinda but i still didn't like that. and i noticed how no one talks about this, but i don't like the way he acts towards Mother. for example, in episode 5 and episode 9 he was the impostor with her and he told everyone that Mother was the impostor. like... THAT JUST RUINS EVERYTHING. it reminds me of times when i was the impostor in among us but my teammate snitched on me. ANYWAYSS back on topic. Mother is one of my favorite characters so when mr cheese did that it just got me mad. but he's just rude to a bunch of characters for no reason and i don't like it.

also i want to talk about mr cheese and mr egg's rivalry in the series. i personally don't care if they get along or not, but the way it started is a REALLY stupid idea. they only hate each other because mr egg "stole" the gentleman away from mr cheese. like in the beginning of the series mr cheese and the gentleman's relationship wasn't doing well. such as the gentleman slapping mr cheese for saying his name. so mr egg and the gentleman got together for a while and mr cheese didn't like it and THATS why they're #1 rivals. 

and mr cheese is EXTREMELY overrated. like he gets more attention than Player who's the MAIN protagonist of the series. i understand the fandom was in love with him so Gametoons decided to give him screentime, but mr cheese just got WAY TOO MUCH screentime. like he has 7 songs about him, most of gametoons' merchandise based on him, and his face is the pfp of gametoons clips. he's also the only character who's gotten a mod on gametoons gaming for him (mr cheese impostor role). and player's the only Gametoons character other than mr cheese who's gotten a song for him, but only got 1 song. 

all i'm saying is that mr cheese's personality is kinda awful and he's extremely overrated. thankfully mr cheese has slightly gotten less screentime in the newer episodes and starting to become the mr cheese from the beginning of the series (?) anyways like i said this is my personal opinion. if you like mr cheese i'll respect ur opinion i just have a few problems with him. that's all 

thanks for reading besties

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