Dream was slain by TommyInnit

Her breath hitched, eyes going wide. He just lost a life. And to Tommy- He-

Dream was slain by TommyInnit

What in the fuck- WHAT? Two lives in a row?! Meaning that he has only one life left. And if he dies-...what will happen if he dies? Why would she care? He abandoned her. She'd do nothing anyway. It's none of her business. She's neutral to all of this. She shouldn't care about this. Then, why the fuck did it hurt so much?


She tried. But no one gave her the feeling she felt when she was around Dream. She tried for so long. She couldn't help but miss him. She knew that it was so goddamn wrong. He was in the prison, it was quite a while actually. Dream killed Tommy when he visited him, but somehow was able to revive him. She didn't know how he did that. She didn't care how or what he did, she needed to see him. At least once. And there she was, on the platform, that was about to be activated by Sam. She had her weapons with herself, it was necessary after that incident with Tommy. She watched as the curtain of lava was lifted, revealing familiar to her man on the other side. His back was turned against them, so he wasn't facing them, he didn't even care about visitors anymore. Dream didn't turn around even when the platform stared moving towards to his cell across the lava. Didn't turn around when she stepped out of the platform and when the netherite barricade was removed. She felt a wave of relief wash over her. He was fine. Most likely.

"Dream." He flinched, upon hearing the familiar voice. Y/n...His entire body tensed up, as he slowly turned around. There she stood, the person who treated him like a human, whom he admired and whom he abandoned. Her one eye was shining green, catching his attention. Bright as ever. Looks like she still hasn't found her soulmate..."Long tome no see." She smiled. He could tell that it was forced smile. He could see the hurt behind that smile. His throat grew dry, he couldn't let out a noise. Even if he did, what would he tell her? Nothing! Absolutely nothing at all!

"How have you been?" She leaned against the obsidian wall, his eyes following her every movement. He was so fucking in awe. She grew even more beautiful since he last saw her, more solid now, looking confident unlike the first time he met her. And that green eye beside her original e/c eye was enchanting her beauty even more. How could she speak to him after all the words he said? Why the hell did she even come here? Wasn't she hurt? "Dream?" He swallowed the lump in his throat, frowning. She observed him. The mask he wore was cracked, beyond repair, he wore orange prisoner uniform instead of the usual green clothes he used to wear. His hands were chained, the chain was attached to the obsidian wall. His hair grew a little, now falling over his broad shoulders.

"Uh, hello Y/n, I wasn't expecting you to visit me." He finally blurted out, rising to his feet and leaning against the wall.
"Oh so you can speak." He rolled his eyes, she'd always make such snarky remarks, which he found annoying and amusing at the same time. "How have you been here?" She motioned the cell, glancing up and she saw a camera on the ceiling. Sam is probably watching them.
"Pretty good. The food here is kind of shit, I have to admit." He chuckled.
"At least you're getting food." She shrugged.
"True. Sam could have left me to starve."
"You're not bored here?"
"I am. But I have the books to write, so it's not that bad. I used to have a clock on the wall, I'd spin it, throw it on lava so I could get the other one but Sam stopped giving me them."
"Oh. Well, you shouldn't have thrown them in the lava then."

"It was fun to tease him." Dream shrugged it off. Am awkward silence hung over the room out of obsidian. She had to admit that it was pretty cold in here, despite the fact that there was lava in here. Not to mention the mining fatigue effect she got from Elder guardians. "Say Dream...do you miss your friends?" He didn't answer the questions no matter how long she waited. He did miss them. A lot. He realised that he hasn't got rid of his attachments fully. "I see." She mumbled.
"Could you tell me what's going on the SMP?"
"Nothing much, actually. The Egg is still spreading, not only spreading, but it now also formed an empire." Dream's brows knitted together. Empire? What kind of empire? "With Bad in charge of it." Bad? Bad? What in the world?
"Yeah." Of course he knew that Bad got corrupted, but creating an empire? He didn't think Bad would do that.
"What about- what about L'manburg?"
"Oh, it's gone." Y/n's stare was blank, a small smile on her lips. "It has fallen apart. That's what you always wanted. Are you happy now?" Dream stressed his lower lip with a bite, frowning. He surely missed...a lot.

"I will be happy when I get out of here." He responded. Get out of here? Seriously? Does he think that he's able to do that?
"You will not be getting out of prison, Dream. This is your place to be." He couldn't describe how her words tore his heart, the feeling of regret for what he did and sadness overflowing him. He silenced his emotions, getting the next words out from his throat.
"Oh I will get out of this damned prison soon. Just you watch." Somehow, he sounded so confident about that. She shook her head.
"You haven't changed." Y/n sounded so disappointed. She rose to her feet. His heart clenched when she took a step away from him, closer to the curtain of lava, ready to leave. His chest tightened, everything in him was screaming for him to make her stay. His heart was begging him to do something. But he couldn't, it felt like someone was squeezing his throat, thus preventing him from speaking. So he just watched, helplessly.

"Sam!" She yelled for the warden. Dream's heart sunk, knowing that she'll leave. "I wanna go now!" As soon as she said that, the curtain of lava was lifted up.
"Stay out of the line where the barricade is!" He yelled back. She nodded, stepping closer to the edge, watching as the barricade out of netherite was lifted once again.
"Bye Dream." The platform was now moving towards her, and when she finally stepped on it, she swore that she heard a whimpered 'please don't leave' from Dream before the curtain of lava fell back down, blocking the entrance to Dream's cell. She spun around, eyes wide but her attention switched back to the platform, as it started moving towards the warden on the other side. It stopped when it reached the floor, she hopped off it.

"He didn't hurt you, right?"
"No, he did not." He did. But not in physical way. Sam just hummed, leading her out of prison. She threw a quick look back at the cell. The visit only hurt her even more. That conversation didn't fulfill the need to talk with him. This was different from the conversations they used to have before. And she was disappointed. Disappointed that he still didn't change.


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