Chapter 24

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*continuing where we left off*

"Than what than huh?!?" Amy almost shouted.

"Okay I'm just gonna tell you this..." Shadow said but cut of by an robot voice behind them.

"Mayday!?! Mayday?!? We've got Intruders!!"

"Oh chaos!" They both said annoyed.


No one's P.O.V

*With Tails and Rouge*

"so Tails what are you planning to do to be able to get in exactly?" rouge ask while keeping an eye out for any robots.

"well like I did last time when we were trying to look for sonic, If I just do some changes ere and there it should help." Tails said showing Rouge what he means at some points.

" and if shadow and Amy get to the opposite side there should be an switch that should shut down the back up system while I'm shutting down the normal power do this." Tails said almost finishing his part.

"DONE!!... Rouge I have to ask something, it's about that prophecy you told us?" tails said before asking the question.

"Amm yeah okay Hun ask away?" rouge said with an smile.

"So do you really know what will happen if the prophecy does come true, like what change will it do to you?" Tails asked.

"Well Tails you see I'm not really sure, the prophecy's has always been our way for where Shadow and me come from?" Rouge answered.

"oh I see, what is that way Rouge?" Tails asked.

" It a way that keeps us alive, a way that we lived since the beginning of our origin and it always been that way." rouge said still keeping her guard up.

"well it's weird I'd never seen anyone like you or shadow?" Tails said.

"That because we don't really do good in the day time, the night is what were used too really." Rouge said crossing her arms.

*back with Shadow and Amy in the middle of their fight*

"You know I feel like we can't get a break with all this new things we have to deal with each time I think this mission will be easy or just go with the flow Amy nothing will happen?!?" Amy said to herself.

Amy said that while hitting the robot that got them, which worked but that didn't stop more robots from being alerted by the two.

so this went on and on till shadow did her powerful chaos blast, which finished them all, leaving black ashes on the ground.

"good job Shadow let's get this device on that switch and let it do it thing!!" Amy said going to the switch.

This caused the device to grab it like an spider glowing blue  again and letting go showing an green blanking COMPLETE!! on there.

"okay were done now let's go before more troubles come." Shadow said started to walk away followed by Amy.

"Hey ain't you happy that we did it or anything, and plus you still haven't answer my question, Shadow?" Amy said running up next to him.

" Amy I'm glad that Tails has an chance to enter through that door OKAY, and about the question you asked is nothing to worry about, just prophecy we want to warn you before that dark thing hits okay." shadow said soon getting to Rouge and Tails.

*With Eggman*

"sir we have some visitors here." Orbot stated tapping on the glass keyboard that lights up red, before turn to his boss.

" oh and what do we here?" the doctor said turning around in his floating chair now looking at the big screen.

"CUBOT!! put that volume up!!" Eggman demanded with cubot nodding his head. *This part where shadow and Amy get attacked. *

"Ahh cubot get the robot ready and full power, I don't want them destroying my plans!!" eggman said. "yes sir" cubot said before tapping some lighted up dashboard than a big red button.

from an dark room holding the robots you can see their eye lighting up an ruby shade of red before an hatch opened bring them down to where Amy and Shadow were.

"Now to enjoy the show" Eggman said now leaning on his floating chair legs on the glass computer dashboard.

*the part where they start fight with eggman getting some popcorn which he ordered Orbot to get with an soda

the fight went on an on with eggman complaining about how hard he worked to make those robots and that some people don't appreciate it

when he said that Cubot and Orbot both agreed with him which ended with him saying "shut up!!' the two feeling sad now.

Eggman started not enjoying the fight since his 'hard worked' robots were being destoryed,he than decided to turn it off seeing of what's the point since they were gonna when

now this made him to make sure the the project is up and ready to take down that team,for now he plans to us the metal sonic's to make them tried that they wouldn't have energy to fight and since sonic is gone that will make it easier for him.*

"sir He is not keeping it easy to keep in with the power his letting out since the chaos emerald are there." Orbot said

"well add more power from the emerald and save up for back to take him down that should at least drain Him, during the fight ha ha ha nothing can wake him up."

"soon my Eggman empire will raise and sonic will fall, soon along with his friends."

That's all for now hope to update faster this weekend where I'm at but who do you think they're talking about when will eggman finally unleash his project?? Well find out more next chapter.
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