Character Teasers & Post-Book Notes

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Well, here we are. A week after I said this was going up, we're here with the character teasers. These have been done for quite some time, but there were a few obstacles (most notably my own business) to keep me from being able to post these. Still, that's not much of a problem anymore, so we're here!

Thank you to everyone who has stuck around throughout this book and all of its shenanigans. It was a long journey, but we managed to get through it, and all in quarantine too. This is just the start of the Hyperion story, and there's more coming soon. In fact, the next book will be releasing in October of this year, specifically on October second. Then, the third book of the series, 'Soul Ties', will be coming your way. 

For the time being though, I'll be leaving you off here. I wish you nothing but luck in life until we meet again this October. Here are the character profiles for now though as a final little bonus. The glossary will be coming next. Until we meet again, have a nice day, everyone!

A final time, 



Name: Jaylyn "Jay" Xandra
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 30
Sexuality: Bisexual
Elements: All
Hanilia Faction: Skylian Mages
Planet of Origin: Earth
Jay is the twin sister of Jayler and a mage following the footsteps of Lyloc as her magical successor. She grew up surrounded by the Skylox Heroes after being abducted by Fearbringers from her home on Earth. She helps Arian to band the Skylian Mages at Lyloc's request and reveals herself to be the true identity of the Silver Knight. From there, she works to defeat Alba with the other Hanilia.

Name: Lana Tarulum
Age: 1,032
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 23
Sexuality: Bisexual
Elements: Air, Thunder, Storm, Physic, Time
Hanilia Faction: Skylian Mages
Planet of Origin: Skylia
Lana is the oldest of the Skylian Mages and a robot who was constructed by Lyloc during the days of the original Hanilia and the gods themselves. After Loki was defeated, Lana retired from combat and took to constructing the City of Steel under an alias, making countless other robots in the process. She joins up with the rest of the Skylian Mages and proceeds to help in defeating Alba.

Name: Ronan Tailor
Age: 154
Gender: Male
Birthday: October 11
Sexuality: Demisexual Panromantic
Elements: Earth, Life, Sand, Gem, Wild
Hanilia Faction: Skylian Mages
Planet of Origin: Skylia
Ronan is a secluded and energetic mage, the least experienced out of the Skylian Mages. He was left suspended in time and frozen as a statue for over a century after a volcano eruption in his hometown of Cloudpeak. Upon being freed, Ronan was raised by Cryai to keep him hidden from the world. Ronan breaks free of his isolation thanks to Jay, Arian, and Lana before helping to bring Alba to their knees.

Name: Jubilee Lubile
Age: 348
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 4
Sexuality: Pansexual
Elements: Fire, Light, Matter, Blade, Metal
Hanilia Faction: Skylian Mages
Planet of Origin: Otarin
Jubilee is a former soldier who was constructed by the Fearbringers centuries ago. She acted as a prison guard before she ultimately left her station to pursue her own life outside of being a living blade. After many travels, she settled down as a bartender gathering information from the lips of others. This was how she became acquainted with Colt before meeting with the rest of the party and defeating Alba.

Name: Colt Curre
Age: 281
Gender: Male
Birthday: December 16
Sexuality: Bisexual
Elements: Water, Death, Dark, Ice, Cosmic
Hanilia Faction: Skylian Mages
Planet of Origin: Skylia
Colt is an agent working for a large corporation with reach in many different aspects of Hyperion life. He came to research the lives of the other Hanilia, and his curiosity led him to meet Jubilee. His serious disposition and habits of hiding kept him masked from the other Skylian Mages until he willingly revealed himself and joined them to defeat Alba by abandoning his previous occupation.

Name: Arian Quisti
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Birthday: September 30
Sexuality: Pansexual
Elements: Mystic, Chaos, Mind, Soul, Passion
Hanilia Faction: Skylian Mages
Planet of Origin: Daragon
Arian is one of the youngest out of the Skylian Mages and yet another creation by the Fearbringers. His magic came from Odysseus, and his entire life has been lived through a teenage body. He ultimately left the Fearbringers behind due to his hatred for combat, and a message from Lyloc pointed him in the direction of Jay. The two proceed to work together to band together the Skylian Mages.

Name: Rob Cryai
Age: 237
Gender: Male
Birthday: December 2
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Elements: Ice
Hanilia Faction: N/A
Planet of Origin: Skylia
Cryai is the most advanced of the Ice magic beasts that Alba created as a way of expanding their reach. He was stationed in Cloudpeak to keep an eye on the powerful magical signal coming from there: Ronan. Cryai is ultimately defeated by Lana, Jay, Arian, and Ronan, giving his captive the chance to escape and join the rest of the Skylian Mages. Cryai is the only of the Ice beasts to be able to function independently of his master due to being created with the influence of another unknown Lakinya.

Name: Alba
Age: ???
Gender: Nonbinary
Birthday: ???
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
Elements: Ice
Hanilia Faction: N/A, Lakinya
Planet of Origin: N/A
Alba is the Lakinya of Ice and an ancient fighter originally created by Loki to bring the goddess Hyperion and her galaxy to ruin. After Loki was defeated, Alba retreated into hiding to try and recover their depleted magic. Along the way, they began to experiment in creating new life, making many beasts of Ice magic along the way. They were hoping to meet with other Lakinya that could advance their skills to the par of Cryai's creation.

Name: Lyloc
Age: 1,087 (Deceased)
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 1
Sexuality: Bisexual
Elements: All
Hanilia Faction: Skylian Mages
Planet of Origin: Earth
Lyloc is the original Skylian Mage and the one survivor out of the original Hanilia from the war against Loki. She created Lana shortly before the war against Loki began. Lyloc came to look after the Sapphin tablet and the Skylox Heroes in the wake of the war but was ultimately killed when the tablet was destroyed. Her magic lives on through her chosen successor and the new leader of the Skylian Mages, Jay.

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