Chapter 3

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Sashanne swam back to her home, hoping her brother didn't tell her parents about the scuba diver aka Alberto. When she came in her home, her parenst were sitting at the kitchen tables with her brother.

"Sashanne, where have you been?" Her father asked.

"Sorry, I had to catch up to Gomez since I kinda got lost." Sashanne lied.

"You didn't see any land monsters, did you?" Her mother said worryingly.

"Nope. None." Sashanne said.

"Mom, dad, can I go with Sashanne to my room?" Gomez asked his parents.

"Sure." His mother said.

"Of course." His father said.

Him and Sashanne both went to his room and they both were very excited but kept quiet to prevent their parents from hearing.

"Thanks Gomez, for not ratting out on me." Sashanne said.

"Anything for my sissy! What happened with you and the helmet guy?" Gomez asked.

"Here's the thing, he wasn't actually a land monster. He was a sea monster, like us." Sashanne explained.

"Woah." Gomez said.

"Yeah, and guess what? I went to the surface!" Sashanne said.

"No way! What was it like? How was it?" Gomez asked excited.

"It was very beautiful. I became a land monster to disguise myself I guess. That one sea monster boy Luca didn't enjoy it much though. He was too afraid." Sashanne said.

"Cool! What about the helmet sea monster guy?" Gomez asked.

That's when Sashanne got the weird feeling again. She like his looks and personality and she just met him.

"W-Well, his name is.....Alberto." Sashanne stuttered.

"Ooh. Is he your boyfriend?" Gomez asked.

"What?! No! We just met!" Sashanne said as she snapped out of her trance.

"Then why are you blushing?" Gomez said with a smug face.

"Okay, maybe I do like him even if I just met him. But still." Sashanne said.

"Alright, alright. Hey, wanna see something cool?" Gomez said.

Gomez then opened a secret cabinet and pulled out some human items. There were gloves, a key, a suitcase, and shoes.

"Where did you get those?" Sashanne asked.

"I found them not far away from here, and of course, can only reveal them to you since our parents will freak if they saw this." Gomez said.

"True." Sashanne giggled.

Sashanne then noticed something else in the back of her brothers closet. It was a motorcycle like vehicle with the word 'Vespa' on it.

"What is this?" Sashanne said in awe.

"I think it's called a Vespa." Gomez said.

"This is the coolest human item I've ever seen." Sashanne said in awe

"Sashanne! Gomez! Dinner!" Their mother called out to them.

"Hurry, hide the items!" Sashanne said as she went to eat as her brother hid them back in the closet then followed her.

That night Sashanne looked out her window and wondered. She wanted to explore the human world more. She would go out tomorrow, find Alberto, and tell him more about the surface.

'Tomorrow is sure going to be interesting..'  Sashanne thought as she drifted to sleep.

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