Chapter 1

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"Sissy! Wake up sissy!"

Sashanne woke up and saw her little brother, Gomez looking down at her.

"Hey, little brother." Sashanne said.

"So, did you go to the surface? What was it like?" Gomez asked curiously.

Sashanne remembered that night. She was trapped in a fishing net while on her way to the surface until some sea monster with green eyes saved her from dying. She didn't know who it was, but she didn't know that later today, she would get her answer. However, she knew, no matter how she hated it, had to lie to her brother since she didn't want him to be scared of a little thing.

"I decided not to. Since, I wouldn't break a promise to my little brother." Sashanne said. "Speaking of which, you wanna go today?"

"Yes!" Gomez said.

They got ready and were about to leave when a voice came over them.

"Where do both think your going?"

Sashanne heard the last voice she ever wanted to hear. Her strict father who was sitting at the table along with her mother.

"Oh nothing, dad." Said Sashanne.

"Your not going to the surface are you?" Their father said strictly.

Gomez was going to say something, but Sashanne cut him off before he could speak.

"No, no. Not at all. Me and Gomez were just going to explore the ocean." Sashanne lied.

Fortunately for her, her parents bought her lie.

"Alright honey. Be sure to be back by dark." Said her mother.

"And stay away from the surface!" Said her father.

Sashanne and Gomez both said goodbye to their parents and were on their way to the surface.

"So, sissy, what would the surface be like? I bet it would be so cool!" Gomez said.

"I hope so too." Sashanne said to Gomez.

Then both noticed a sea monster boy looking at some land monster object. He was green and had red eyes and blue hair. He also had seaweed for pants as he looked curiously at the object.

"Who is that?" Said Gomez.

"I don't know, but let's find out." Sashsanne said.

They both went close to the monster boy who was still observing the land monster object.

"Hello." Sashanne said.

The sea monster boy let out a scram before he saw them.

"Oh, I thought you were the land monsters." The boy said.

"Yeah, we've been trying to keep an eye out on them." Sashanne said. "What's your name?"

"I'm Luca." Said the boy.

"I'm Sashanne, and this is my little brother, Gomez." Sashanne said.

"Hi." Said Gomez.

"So, your interested in the surface too?" Sashanne said.

"Yeah, my parents say it's dangerous. But I wonder what it's really like up there." Luca said.

"Me and my little brother have the same problems too. And we believe the surface is not what our parents think it is." Sashanne said.

"We are heading up there! Wanna come?" Gomez said excitedly.

"What? No! I mean sure, I want to go up there but, what if the land monster's catch us?" Luca said scared.

"I will make sure they will not find us, I promise." Sashanne said.

Little did all three of them know, that a scuba diver was behind them with a spear. All three turned around and were all shocked and afraid except for Gomez who looked at it in awe.

"Cool!" Gomez said.

"Gomez! Get out of here! It's too dangerous! We will distract it!" Sashanne said.

Gomez did what she said and swam away. Her and Luca ran away from the scuba diver. Unfortunately, both reached a dead end in a cave as the scuba diver approached them. Luca and Sashanne were scared for their lives until the scuba diver stopped and looking at them.

"Boo." Said the scuba diver.

Sashanne and Luca both looked confused until the scuba diver revealed it's face. It wasn't a scuba diver at all. It was a sea monster. He had blue skin with purple hair with green eyes. Sahsanne slightly gasped as she recognized those green eyes....

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