Chapter 1

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It was the annual World Conference. This year, it was being held in America, so America got there kinda early to help set up and everything.

Halfway through the meeting, everyone started fighting, like normal.

All of a sudden the big double doors that lead into the room slammed open and a furious looking blonde teenager with golden brown eyes stormed into the room, fuming.

He stomped up to America's chair, ignoring the eyes that were glued to his figure.

"Isabelle's damn gator bit me again!" he exclaimed angrily.

At this, two other teenagers entered the room. Both had brown hair and were female.

"Aish. For the last time! Albert didn't mean it! You just looked like food to him!" the taller of the two exclaimed, a slight Spanish accent coating her voice.

"I'm sorry Ma. I tried to stop them." the other brunette said, a thick southern drawl present in her tone.

"It's fine, Hannah. At least you tried. You know you can't hold those two back." America sighed.

"America, who are zhese children?" Germany asked.


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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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