2- Avery and Rose (pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

"What're you doing that for?"

"Your champagne." Avery looked towards the voice and grinned when she saw the Doctor.

"We didn't order any champagne." Plastic Mickey dismissed before asking, "Where's the Doctor?"

"Madam, your champagne." The Doctor offered it to Rose.

"It's not ours." Rose told him, without sparing him a glance, "Mickey, what is it? What's wrong?"

"I need to find out how much you know, so where is he?"

"Do you want this champagne?" The Doctor asked Avery, who grinned up at him.

"You know I do." Avery replied, standing up.

Avery took it from him just as Plastic Mickey snapped, "Look, we didn't order it." Plastic Mickey finally looks up to see that the waiter is the Doctor and sees the bottle that is now in Avery's hands, "Ah. Gotcha."

Avery starts shaking the bottle vigorously, grinning as she does so, "Don't mind us. We're just toasting the happy couple."

"On the house!" The Doctor added as Avery releases the cage around the cork and it flies into Plastic Mickey's forehead.

After a few moments, he spits it out, causing Avery to cringe in slight disgust. "Anyway." Plastic Mickey gets up and turns his hand into a chopper. Avery backs away from the table while Rose screams and flees as Plastic Mickey wrecks the table. The Doctor quickly gets Plastic Mickey in a headlock and struggles to pull the head off. Avery rolls her eyes and steps forward, kicking the plastic body in the back, successfully popping the head off as the other customers scream.

Plastic Mickey's head opens his eyes saying, "Don't think that's going to stop me." The body gets up and begins to flail about, wrecking the place further.

Rose turns to the fire alarm beside her and hits it, calling, "Everyone out! Out now! Get out! Get out! Get out!"

The Tyler sisters and the Doctor run through the kitchens, the latter carrying the head as the body wrecks the restaurant before following them to the back exit. Once they're out the door, Rose runs down the alley to a gate secured by a padlock while Avery rushes over to the Tardis and the Doctor seals the exit.

"Open the gate! Use that tube thing. Come on!" Rose exclaims as she wrestles with the padlock on the gate.

"Sonic screwdriver." Avery and the Doctor both corrected before looking at the other in surprise.

"Use it!"

"Nah. Tell you what, let's go in here." The Doctor suggests, gesturing to the Tardis. He gently nudges Avery away as she was leaning against the doors before he unlocks the door. He walks inside and Avery walks in right after him. Once she's inside, she can't help but smile as she takes in the Tardis' beauty again.

She hears a door slam behind her and turns to see her sister standing there stunned before running right back out only to come right back in a few moments later "It's going to follow us!" Rose exclaims.

"The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and believe me, they've tried. Now, shut up a minute." The Doctor tells her. Rose looks around, taking in the vast size of the room before looking at her sister, who is sitting on the jumpseat like this place wasn't completely impossible. "You see, the arm was too simple, but the head's perfect. I can use it to trace the signal back to the original source." The Doctor explained as he plugged the head into the console before asking, "Right. Where do you want to start?"

"Um, the inside's bigger than the outside?" Rose asked, trying to process what she was seeing.


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