Two Ravens?

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Maleficent, Aurora and Gaby ventured out to the more magical side of the moors as it was Aurora favourite place to awaken her mind every so often.

Sitting on the usual spot under the big oak tree, Maleficent and Gaby watched over Aurora as she wandered about over the damp moss, making friends and getting to know all of the moor foak and fairy's.

"She still hates me doesn't she?" Gaby sighs.

"Well yeh, it was a bumpy start for the both of you, let it slide and it will work it's self out." Maleficent reassures.

There was a pause of silence before Gaby hits out with the next question.

"Can I just ask, who is Diaval; Aurora keeps on bringing the name up and I just want to know what does this name mean to you both?"

Maleficent sighs and looks at Gaby with curious eyes a bit surprised to hear that question come out of her mouth.
Surprised that she cared enough to want to know about it

"Your right, the name does mean something to Aurora and I, He....

"Wait He..?" Gaby interrupts in slight shock.

"Yes he...He is my....other companion who also serves me as you do...and is a......Ravennn like you." Maleficent explains slightly concerned on how Gaby will react to this.

"Your telling me there's another me, Who serves you as well;"
And is a guy."

"Yes I did, we're you not listening."

Maleficent looked over at Gaby again after avoiding eye contact delivering such answers, and the look on her face didn't disappoint.
She sat there with the most emotion Maleficent had seen on her face yet, with it starting as a confused shocked look then fading into a pissed off replaced one who may or may not murder Diaval if she ever set eyes upon him.

Aurora made her way back to the pair holding what seemed to be a pixie yelping in pain. "Help her please God mother; her wing, i think it's broken."

"Bring her over".  With a wave of her hand, Maleficent showered the poor pixie in her gold magic,  dusting her wings till they glistened. "There, that must feel better surly".

Aurora placed the pixie on the cushiony moss letting her stand and watching to see if she can fly. There was a pause for awhile as the pixie got to grips with the feeling of using her wings again.  Aurora was staring, beginning to think she would never make an attempt to fly.  Suddenly she busrt into flight shooting up through the air, circling around her and Maleficent.

"Oh she recovered, that's unfortunate." Gaby Sarcastically commented.

"you are so cold hearted and rude." Aurora glares at Gaby in hatred.

"Sorry...I don't live up to your,  take care of everyone standards...Princess." She argues.

Gaby rolls her eyes at Aurora as she gets up from sitting beside Maleficent and goes wondering off heading out of the moors.

Maleficent gets up and follows along behind her stopping her from doing anything stupid in her fixed anger mindset. Aurora walks behind Maleficent trying to avoid Gaby and anymore arguments between the two of them.

Gaby ventured for a while out of the moors way past there home area.  Aurora decided to head back as she was feeling quite tired and down after there argument.

Maleficent stayed low as she decided it was best she kept following Gaby as she had no idea what danger she would put herself into in her clouded state of mind right now.

Gaby suddenly stops dead in her tracks, looking around her as she hears rustling and crunching on the fallen leaves. She turned around and faced Maleficent asking for permission to form into something that would make her feel safer and protect herself.  Maleficent understood her action and formed her into a wolf.  This Gaby was grateful for.

She stayed low into the tall grass, well hidden as she watched the little opening though the weeds, waiting for whatever prey was about to poke out.

She waited and waited just before giving up out came well what do you know... a big black Raven. Of all the things it's a Raven.

Gaby made no hesitation to pounce on it. She pinned down the bird as it squawked underneath her.  The raven putting up quite the fight she grabbed it's neck in her mouth cutting off its oxygen intake.

"GABY ENOUGH!" Maleficent flicked her magic towards her transforming her back to human......Also transforming the Raven underneath her into what she made out to be a man in the close space between them.

There was a long pause as Gaby stared deep into his eyes that were as dark and mysterious as the Raven he was glancing over his features, his nose, his cheekbones, his scars,....his lips...

She was brung back into reality as his gasps for air got louder. His hold of her wrists to get her to let go of his throat got stronger and stronger until she let go in pain and stumbled away off of him, taking steps back, looking around for Maleficent she sets her wide eyes on her and feels a wave of confusion come over her.

She watched him try to stand, grabbing at his throat looking at the marks she left on his pale skin making the scars stand out more than before.

"Your...your that Diaval are...aren't you ?" She points at him trying to figure out what's going on.

"How do you know who I am"; who the hell are transformed from a...a wolf to well a human." Diaval questions in confusing.
He takes his gaze off of the young woman and darts it over to Maleficent. Noticing that she knows her.

"What are you to Maleficent" Diaval asks Gaby; looking her up and down.

"She is my companion Diaval, just as you are the same." Maleficent interupts hoping to defuse the tension between the pair.

"How dare you talk to me like that!" I've not known you more than five minutes and I already hate you,  wether your a raven like me." Gaby returned the glare Diaval gave her and walked towards Maleficent.

"Like you hah; I think you'll find I was the first to serve Maleficent, never knew she had a replaced me with another raven, looking at you show me just how low Maleficents standards have gotten since me." Diaval remarks noticing Maleficent begin to walk away from the two.

"Both of you follow me now!" She orders as she turns from both of them and makes her way towards there home land in the moors. Diaval and Gaby both turn to follow her both giving each other the side eye as they walk behind her. Before she has to listen to one more argument between them she showers her magic behind her causing them to form into there Raven forms.

Not even that would stop there differences as one flew faster or higher the other had to do it better. Maleficent was ready for killing them both at this point...... Gaby was difficult and quite the handful, now that Diaval is back.  She questions how she will ever cope with them......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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