"Okay," she said a bit thoughtfully, "now I want to capture how you guys can be professional, but at the same time still have that childish friendship."

"Childish?!" Houssam protested.

"Yeah! We aren't childish!"

Hana laughed.

"Okay, fine you aren't. I just meant that you guys have such an amazing friendship that is strong and obviously meaningful, but you guys also have fun with each other. So I want to capture the essence of your relationship."

Freddy nodded.

"Okay, like how Houssam makes smiley face chocolate chip pancakes every Sunday?" he asked, and Hana laughed.


"Or how Freddy is always at my house eating my pancakes!?" Houssam exclaimed, and all three of them laughed.

"Exactly. Show me something that defines your friendship."

To her astonishment Houssam pounced on Freddy and put him in a headlock, and once she had gotten over her surprise, she laughed, and began to take pictures. They wrestled for another few minutes before sitting up, both of them laughing their heads off. Hana couldn't click fast enough, smiling at how happy they looked in the frames.

"Okay do you guys have any special handshakes?"

Houssam grinned.

"Like middle school secret handshakes?"

"Something like that."

"Well we don't have an official handshake, but before every game, we do a sort of mini dance number,"

Hana's eyebrows raised in amusement.

"A dance number?"

Freddy laughed.

"Yeah! It's pretty cool! Come on let's show her!"

Houssam groaned.

"I don't want to."

"Come on! Please!" she pleaded, and eventually he nodded.

"Okay." He stood up, Freddy jumping up excitedly next to him, and they quickly did a series of movements and handshakes and little dance moves, and by the end, Hana was tearing up she was laughing so hard.

"That was great!" she exclaimed, rolling back through the pictures she had taken, still giggling.

"Are you laughing at us!?" Houssam demanded, and she shook her head.

"I'm laughing with you!"

Freddy laughed and turned towards Houssam.

"I like her! I like her a lot!"

Houssam didn't say anything but the way he was looking at Hana sent a clear message, and she felt herself blush again.

They continued to take pictures for another hour before Harold returned.

"Alright! I think that's enough for today! Tomorrow we can go on location to Central Park and get some shots!" he exclaimed, and both Freddy and Houssam groaned.

"Central Park!? What are we supposed to ride the carousal together?! Come on Harold!"

"Fine, fine what do you suggest Hana?"

"I think we should go to the place where they practice for their games."

Houssam's eyes lit up.

"That's brilliant! You can take pictures of how Freddy and I help each other train!"

Harold nodded.

Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At Love **EDITING** Where stories live. Discover now