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"And that's why we're here at the Police Station." Sam finishes recounting the events that happened and pops another popcorn kernel in his mouth.

"Okay, but why are we here? If we caught Torchwick, shouldn't our case be closed?" Max asks, tapping his oversized foot on the floor with impatient vigor.

Sam shrugs, "Beats me, but I think we can try and–"


"Eep!!" They hear a loud smack and a loud help inside the interrogation. Sam and Max jump to their feet, alarmed.

"What was that?" Max looks over at the room.

"Unless I missed my guess," Sam says with a hand on his chin, "Glynda's interrogating Ruby about her involvement in our case and is using the most morally questionable interrogation methods to get the truth out of her."


"I'll stop you right there, buckethead. We wouldn't want to suggest anything that could get us flagged or canceled on that horrendous god forsaken app called Twitter." Sam cuts Max off, standing up and throwing away his pork-flavored popcorn. "In any case, we need to find a way to get inside that room."

Sam straightens his suit jacket, and gets to work. There wasn't a lot to see in the halls of the Police Station, so he talks to Max to see if he had any clues on what they can do to get inside that room.

"Hey, Max!"



What are we doing here?<

Glynda is a real hardcase.

Ruby needs a hug.

Let's talk later.


"What are we doing here again?" Sam asks his partner.

"Seriously, Sam? I asked you the same question not too long ago!" Max crossed his arms while shaking his enormous head.

"I know how we got here, but I want to know what's next for us. We can't stay here at the police station for too long." Sam defended.

"I guess we're waiting for this so called 'law enforcement' to give us praise for a job well done!" Max says with energy.

"We never got any praise for our work back in our home universe, and something tells me we won't be getting any from these law enforcement." Sam shakes his head.

"Oh, then I guess we're waiting for Glynda to leave the room so we can get inside and rescue Ruby."


We need to get in that room!<

Glynda is a real hard case.

Ruby needs a hug.

Let's talk later.


"We got to get inside that room, Max! There's no telling what sort of horrible things she's doing to poor Ruby!" Sam says with urgency.

"Compared to our interrogation methods, Ruby's getting off easy." Max points out.


Glynda is a real hard case.<

Ruby needs a hug.

Let's talk later.

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