Chapter 6: Wake Me Up

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"May I help you?" the nurse said

"Yes I'm looking for- for-for-" I started to say but I couldn't get it out

"Harry Styles" El said I look over at her thanking her, she gave me a nod and put her arm around my shoulder we were the same hight so it didn't matter to me unlike Harry who tall and oh my god please be okay Harry! 

"Yes Mr. Styles is still in surgery...I'm sorry but you're going to have to wait until he is out"

I nodded my head as me and Eleanor went to go sit in the waiting room. I waited and waited for the doctor to come out but I got nothing, I called the lads and told them what has happen to Harry in less than an hours they came rushing in, they all rush over to me as I ran up to them crying into Liam. He rubbed my back while I was sobbing into his neck. Finally someone clear there throat and I turn around to see the doctor.

"Is he okay Doctor? please tell me he's okay!!" I said 

"He's lost a lot of blood and has a really bad head concussion, this young lady here saw the whole thing and is the one who got Mr. Styles to the hospital, the car explode the min she got him out. You're friend is very lucky" 

I look over to the girl who was sitting with a paramedic who was observing her arm cover in blood. She had cut herself helping my Harry out of the car before it explode. Oh god just the thought his car exploding and thinking that if she wasn't there to get him out, he could of been dead right now. I couldn't live with that thought,  I walk over to the girl she look up with her brown eyes. 

"Sarah?" I heard Zayn say wait he knows her? 

"Zayn?" when the paramedic was done, she got up and walk over to us holding her injured arm

"You're the one that help my Hazza out" I said and blush when I realize I said my Hazza

"Yeah" She said giggle a bit, I hug her squeezing the life out of her

"Can't....breath.." I let her go and looked at her

"Oh... sorry, but thank you so much for saving Hazza" I said to her weak smiling at her 

"No was a bit tuff because he is a heavy one and I'm just girl with no strength" she said and we all laugh

"Yeah he is a heavy one but how did it happen? the car accident I mean?" 

"I guess he didn't see the light red and drove right pass it, when a truck went by crashing into his side and flip his car over. The car was ready to catch up in flames and I got out of my car and rush over to him trying to get him out. That when one of the glass cut me, I have finally got him out and carried him into my car right when I got him out the car exploded. I called 911 for the guy in the truck and I rushed him to the nearest hospital." she finished I was surprise, what I wanted to know was why Harry was around here?

"And Louis?" she said weak smiling at me

"Yeah?" I said snapping out of my thoughts

"He um said something before he finally blackout" 

"What was it?" I said my eyes wide as ever 

"He said um..... that he was sorry"

Tears welled up but just as I was about to say something, when a nurse rush to the doctor who was still standing there. 

"Doctor room 313A we need you Mr. Styles has gone into cardiac arrest" the nurse said to him I snap when I heard Harry's last name and cardiac arrest, the doctor and nurse rush off going to Harry's room. I fell to the floor crying sobbing, El rushed over me and held me in her arms as I cried more

We Can We Will (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz