Shade (Pick/Rome)

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He missed him. Pick officially and painfully missed Rome. He was sitting aside from the others, hiding in the shade of the mature tree. His hand found its way to the pocket, reaching for the phone in it. His fingers played with the small electronic object, thinking if he should call the younger or not. Pick sight as he remembers that it was not possible. Not now, not tomorrow.

His tiny cute Rome must have missed him too, right? Even if they parted ways, he would still miss him, as much as he missed him, right? The noise from the people got louder, making Pick flinch. He hated that he was here. But he made this decision himself, and now he can't complain. If Rome were here with him, the pain in his heart would disappear.

Pick sighs as he leaves the protective shade, going back to his colleagues.

Fuck this company outing. Fuck this place with no signal. Pick didn't know how he will survive the next two days without his cute boyfriend.

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