Sun (OffGun)

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The sun was never Gun's friend. His rays made his sensitive skin red and itchy. In the day, he went out of his house only if it was necessary covered in long sleeves, long pants, and a hat. But most of the time, he stayed inside, being glad he can work from home. 

Today was one of these days he had to go out. His appointment with a dermatologist couldn't be skipped. Gun dressed in a long-sleeved t-shirt, jeans and cute cap to avoid the danger of the sun. With a deep sigh, he quickly made a beeline to the taxi he called not long ago. 

As soon as the car stopped, Gun run out, aiming for the hospital entrance. But to his luck, he wasn't careful enough and bumped into a firm body. His balance was lost right away, and the small man ends up sitting on the sidewalk. He gasped in surprise and pain as his arm got exposed to the sun rays. Gun tried to cover an already red piece of skin with his sleeve again but got stopped by someone's hand. 

"Don't. You will make it worse." The man spoke up, shielding Gun's small frame with his bigger body. 

"Can you get up?" The man uttered again. When Gun didn't answer, he grabbed his healthy hand and dragged him inside the hospital. Gun, still in a daze, let the man lead him to the waiting room. He helped him to sit down and went to the counter.

And as he was talking to the nurse there, Gun was lucky enough to find out his saver's name. 

"Off Jumpol." He whispered to himself as he waited to be called for his appointment, hoping to meet the handsome man again. 

OffGun July Collection of DrabblesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum