"You were looking at a sleeping person, doesn't that make you a pervert?"

"Woah. You're unbelievable! I was just wondering why your looks and your attitude didn't go hand in hand."

What the hell Lisa? Don't get yourself in trouble by getting on her bad side! You must be dumber than dumb in order to win her! Why are you picking a fvcking fight?!

"Do you have a problem with my attitude?"

"Yes! Do you want to know?"

Oh please stop bickering with her you idiot! Why can't I even stop my own mouth from spitting out foul words?!

"Tell me."

"You're cold and you don't know how to empathize with other people. You see, I keep on driving our conversation because I want to know you better but you keep on piling up your wall—"

"Because I hate talking. Got that?"

"Do you hate talking or do you hate having someone to know the depths of you?"

Okay stop now. This is not going the right way. You're drifting farther from the target Lisa.

"I hate both. And I am starting to hate the fact that you're messing my mind."

"I'm just saying. Why don't you give me a shot? To know you? To understand you? I know we've only met yesterday, and in a very unfriendly way too. But honestly, I really felt a connection and it's bothering me."

"You've been watching too much movies."

I was about to speak again when someone knocked and Jennie opened the car's door. It was a man on his 50's who looks so much like Jennie or is it Jennie who looks so much like him?

"Hi dear. Are you my daughter's classmate?" Jennie kissed his cheek then she looked at me intently as if she's trying to shoo me away and cut the conversation short. But because I'm a hard-headed one, I smiled at her father warmly then I spoke.

"Good evening sir. Yes, we're classmates."

"Come and have dinner with us," Jennie's eyebrows furrowed signaling me to decline the invitation.

"I'd love to!" those words made Jennie throw daggers at me through her eyes. Little did she know, I am loving the feeling of her getting pissed by me.

Her parents are very welcoming. They are the complete opposite of their daughter who has been looking hardly at me, watching my every move, following every word that I say.

"It's the first time that our daughter had allowed someone to bring her home that's why I was surprised," Jennie's father said.

"You must be pretty close with our daughter," her mother added.

"We're not that close," Jennie contradicted.

"We are not that close yet, but we are slowly getting there."

"How's Jennie at school?"

"You can ask me about that mom. You don't have to ask her."

"But I want to hear it from other people, so Lisa, how is Jennie doing at school?"

"Uh-uhm she's doing fine. She's warm and easy to get along with. I really like her because she is smart and she's the most respected president that I have ever known. I accidentally hear her sing too, and she's good. I love her voice."

"What? When did you hear me sing?"

"At your office. During lunch break?"

"Oh crap."

"She sings well, she must have gotten it from me," Jennie's mother said proudly.

"I love to hear such good comments from my daughter's friend. Keep it up Jennie," her father said.

"I think I've taken so much of your time. I better get going now. Thank you for the food, it was really delicious! I'm so full."

"You can stay here for the night if you want."


"Jennie, you don't have to raise your voice."

"That's so kind of you madam, but my parents are waiting for me at home too."

"Maybe next time?"

"Yes madam. I'll surely visit and stay for the night next time."

"We are going to look forward to it Lisa."

"I'll surely bring some gifts next time. Thank you again for the dinner."

"Don't bother dear. Jennie, please walk your friend outside."

Without saying anything, Jennie walked ahead of me. I just followed her after I gave her parents a quick hug as a thank you.

"You don't have to lie to them. You said it yourself, I'm not a warm type of person."

"I didn't lie. You are warm. You might try to hide it with your cold actions and expressionless  face but you can't fool the feeling that you obliviously give me."