Chapter V

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Hey Everyone!!!! I happened to look and over one hundred people have totally looked at my story!!!! I also have two people, PikkieSmit and dannyjoko who have voted for all my chapters! I thank you all! As more of a thank you here is a chapter that had come out earlier than I thought I would have it out. Me No Rick Riordan.

Ani̱leí̱s POV

I left the camp and decided to go check on the quest. They had only left two hours prior, but I wanted to make sure things were going smoothly. I knew they had part of the prophecy quest wrong, but I didn't know how their deduction was wrong. I tracked the necklace I had given Annabeth to a small town right out of Pittsburgh. I wondered how they had made it from Long Island to there. Train or taxi? Maybe Annabeth stole a car again, however they were walking now. I flew above them where they couldn't see me. I guess it was good that they had chosen a direction to go. They were cutting through some woods as I flew above them and noticed something that they didn't, a camp. It had monsters in it and seemed to be waiting for the group. Time to put their fighting skills to the test. I would keep an eye on them and jump in if a bigger foe decided to show up.

 Thailia POV

We had just left Pittsburgh where we had dumped the broken down car that Annabeth had hot wired. We were cutting through a forest to try and avoid mortals. Annabeth and Aiden were leading in front, while Nico and I were in back keeping watch from behind. Surprisingly nothing had happened so far as we stepped into a clearing.

"I sense something," Nico said. Of course our luck couldn't hold out. We all stopped and listened. We heard crashing coming through the woods. I pulled out my bow and aimed towards the noise just as monsters poured into the clearing. I let arrows fly as the rest fought with their swords. I took care of any monster that got too close for comfort to the others while they defended me. I knew our luck couldn't hold out. We still didn't even know where we were going, we were just going west. The ground started to shake right when we thought we had vanquished the monsters. A titan came in, it was Krios.

"Hello Immortals. Ready to go to be painfully reformed in Tartarus? Maybe be tortured for a while?" He laughed evilly. We all stood up against him. There was no way we were losing this battle, not until Koios stepped in did I get slightly worried. Two first generation of Titans we were battling against.

"Nico and Thalia take Koios, we've got Krios," Annabeth yelled as she and Aiden rushed towards the other Titan. Nico rushed towards Koios as I shot arrows trying to make an opening for him. Koios simply swatted them away. Nico went to strike as did Koios, which was when Nico pulled his trick. He fell through a shadow on the ground and reappeared behind Koios. He stabbed him in his back, as Koios was unprepared to have Nico appear behind him. Koios turned, but Nico was already gone, this time coming from right below Koios striking at his legs giving him two deep gashes that bled ichor. Nico again disappeared to reappear behind Koios, but this time Koios was prepared. He sent a punch at Nico that sent Nico flying, but I had been prepared for this and while Nico had been attacking Koios I had pulled out my knives and had snuck upon the Titan. When he sent Nico flying I was already prepared to attack Koios and dug my daggers into his chest, hitting his heart. The Titan looked at me in surprise as he turned to dust. I ran over to Nico who was lying on the ground. He sat up with his head bleeding.

"Gods that hurt," he mumbled as he wiped the ichor away. I smiled and helped him up. He smiled at me. "Thanks Thals." We both turned as we heard a crash. Aiden had also been sent flying, but was unlucky as he hit a tree. He tried to get up as Annabeth protected him, but he slid back down. Nico and I rushed over to help the two. I brought out my bow and fired at Krios, who had been paying no attention to us as he was interested in Annabeth. I hit him in the arm that help his weapon he was about to kill Annabeth with. Nico disappeared into a shadow bursting out to stab Krios right in the chest, while his focus had been on me. Krios had also turned to dust. Annabeth went straight over to Aiden. He had ichor coming out of a wound on his chest and Annabeth had tears in her eyes.

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