Chapter IV

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So my Spring Break is over, it was early I know, anyway chapters might not come out as fast since I will be having school and work now. I will try and update as soon as I possilbly can. Thank you all so far, and thank you PikkieSmit for your votes! I no Rick Riordan.

Somewhere in Another Dimension  

Luke POV 

 I was walking to Lord Aether's office along with my best friend, Gennaíos. I am the commander of Lord and Lady Aether and Hermera's Army of the Light. My name is Luke and I have been here for a little over five millennia. Lord Aether and Lady Hermera brought me here after I died from Earth to be the commander of their army. At first I said no, because I believed, and still do, I didn't deserve it. I mean I was Luke Castellan, traitor of Olympus. They had disagreed saying that I was misled and was a hero in the end. They had told me that I could bring some of the people back from Hades to be in the army. I immediately brought back some of the people that had died due to my betrayal. Silena Beauregard, Bianca di Angelo, Charles Beckendorf, and Zoe Nightshade. Later I brought back more, but those were the first I thought of. They were all weary at first about me, but I apologized and eventually they forgave me after I saved all of their lives on a mission on another planet. We made the Elite Unit of The Army of the Light. Around two and a half millennia ago Gennaíos appeared.

His appearance was sudden. It happened when Lord Aether and I were in his office. Gennaíos appeared on the floor in a flash of black. He was curled up on his side, his brown hair in disarray. He had his eyes closed and he was naked. Lord Aether and I had rushed to his side as Lord Aether put a blanket, which he had made appear, over him.  Gennaíos's eyes opened and he looked scared as he sat up. He noticed he was naked and grabbed the blanket, which had fallen when he sat up, to cover himself. We had asked him his name and where he had come from. He didn't answer and we found out he was mute. He also didn't remember who was nor where he was from. Lord Aether had placed him in Elite Unit with me and as we were near each other an unbreakable friendship grew. Gennaíos wasn't that strong, but he made up for it in his loyalty and heart. After all this time I was glad to call him my best friend.

 Lord Aether had called me to a meeting. I was dressed in my white and gold armor as Gennaíos was wearing his white and sea green, matching his eye color. The first time I had seen them they had reminded me of Percy, except for the brown hair. We walked into the office to see both Lord Aether and Lady Hermera and bowed to them. They both scowled.

"Lord Aether and Lady Hermera."

"Stand both of you and don't call us Lord and Lady. You know that we do not need nor like you to." I laughed.

"We just like to respect you and be a pain in your ass." Gennaíos smiled and nodded. They both shook their heads.

"So what can we do for you?"

"It has come from our Aunt Gaea that our Mother, Father, and Uncle Tartarus have teamed up with the Titans to control Earth. They have framed Aunt Gaea and have turned Camp Half Blood, Camp Jupiter, and the Hunt against her. They have sent their champion blessed by all three of them to control the camp. From what I understand he had done this. I want you and your unit to go down and see if you can reason with the demi gods and gods to join our side and if you have to kill the champion." I was furious. How dare they take over camp in a deceiving my friends and family!

"I understand and want to help, but I don't understand how we can convince them. I was a traitor and no one I know is alive."

"That isn't true the gods blessed six and the head counselors of the cabins with immortality." I know my mouth dropped as Gennaíos made it shut with a smile.

"They are alive? Wait what about six, I can understand the counselors, by why the other six?"

"Aunt Gaea was tricked by our parents and Uncle Tartarus to try and take over the Earth. Seven were prophesized to stop it. They did and put Aunt Gaea back to sleep. She later found out about the trick and due to her losing they are trying again to frame her."

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