Half yeager half ship chapter 25

Start from the beginning

The kid revealed that he is a siren prototype jeager an attempt to build a jeager that can win against other jeager he said that he possesses half strength of a jeager and half strength of a shipgirl tho not as strong as pure jeager the kid is obviously much much stronger faster then a shipgirl the old man appeared and told that OF's real name is Delta-1 he is the first attempt to build a half jeager half shipgirl power to see what would happen if those two kind of powers and abilities collided the sirens got half of the jeager power from when they captured fury they didn't of course has his full but got half of it (fury still has the same strength as gipsy tho) so they mixed it with a Shipgirls strength to make up for it they asked how they got jeager tech the old man said it was because of fury's capture the kid was primarily designed to be an assassin for the sirens but due to the lack of knowledge about jeagers they didn't complete the project which led to them to abandoning it so the project didn't have orders on killing the jeagers or ship girls whatsoever nothing about sirens they just left it there to rot (if you didn't know the young jeagers is the same height as ayanami) the old man left without another word the jeagers and shipgirls got the answer they wanted and decided to keep the young one unexpectedly the kid has the same personality as obsidian fury ,sometimes serious,teasing they soon figured out the fury is the father of the kid but fury denied it he wasn't ready to be a father YET the young jeager has been put in the same team of javelin,laffey,ayanami and z23

Delta 1 POV
i really didn't know i have a father that turns out to be a flirty teasing jeager but enough of that i was put in a team of four destroyers im kind of tired so i hope they don't disturb me most annoying part we are all in the same room -_- i have a tired look on my face i open the door to see a german,bri'ish,murican,jap destroyer i really don't give a fuck as long as they don't annoy me (fury:thats my boy) i lay down my bag next to the door and jumped to bed and fell asleep as soon as i made contact

Ayanami POV
I was reading a book gave to me by nagato it was about women nothing else i turned around ti see javelin z23 and laffey playing a game of rock paper and scissors i didn't wanna join them because im not a big fun of that game i was a little taken back of the fact that z23 plays it but i didn't mind thats when the door opened and i saw a boy a bit taller than me with dark orange hair and a single red bang on his forehead and orange and red with little bit yellow eyes he put his bag down closed the door and jumped to bed and slept


"Um who is he?"

"Why does he look like big brother?"

"Excuse me sir who are you?"

"Someone who wants to sleep"said the boy sarcastically


The door opens revealing wales

"Hey you have a new teammate where is h-"

"Oh there he is looks like he's tired"

"Sorry ms wales but who is he?"Ayanami asked

Wales then explained about the boy every single information

"Ohhhh so big brother has a son?"

"Well his mother is still unknown but the boy shares the dna as obsidian fury"

"Thank you ms wales thats all we need but what is his name?"

"Oh he's name you can call him delta 1 or OF but mr fury gave him the name "Atreus" for some reason"

"Oh thanks for the information" ayanami said

"No problem and please don't wake him up he is a short tempered jeager like his father when you wake him up"

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