Info stuff :p

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Hi welcome to a cringe book :3

This is gonna be a book of random stuff I felt like writing while bored at school and home. Updates will be very random so that's always fun. I may disappear and not upload for some time then come back like nothing happened. I may or may not be writing this at the same time as other books.... anyways ye this is just a bit of fun and entertainment for me.

Reasons why updates are delayed or just not there - 

1. I have school to worry about

2. I don't have much motivation and shit mental health

3. I'm writing other books while writing this

4. This is a side book for random stuff I felt like putting on the internet so it's not really a book that's meant to have proper chapters and stuff which means I will probably forget about it for a while at some point.


I hope you enjoy whatever random crap my half dead brain comes up with.

[discontinued ]Random StuffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz