Chapter 2

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2:45 A.M.

*Cedars-Sinai Medical Center*


"Calm down, baby boy. It's going to be okay." My dad said as he looked up at me.

I couldn't sit down. I started pacing back and forth since we got here.

"I can—"

"Terry!" Brandy said as she ran towards me.

"Baby!" I said as I kissed her and hugged her tightly.

"What's wrong? I prayed all the way over here. Tell me it's something good, babe." She said as she hugged me back.

"Sean collapsed back at the townhouse. He passed away at home and on the ambulance. They brought him back to life, but they're still working on him. Y'all if my baby doesn't ma—" My mom said as she stopped talking and started crying a little.

"Pam, don't talk like that. Our son is going to make it." My dad said as he got up to comfort my mom.

"It's my fault. I'm sorry."

"What? Baby, you didn't do anything. Don't say that." Brandy said as she rubbed my back.

"I yelled at him. I cussed at him and said horrible things that he probably won't forgive me for. I can't live with myself knowing I killed my brother." I said as I held my head down.

"Terry, why would you do that?" My father asked as he rubbed my mom's back.

I explained to my parents and Brandy the full truth of what happened.

"Terry, what if he—"

"Pam, no!"

"Let me talk, Joe! Terry, if your brother dies, it will be on your conscious. Why would you do that to him? After all he's been through!" My mom said as she started yelling at me.

"Its that darn fame getting to his head. You ain't better than you brother. You two are both equals. We taught you better than that. What's wrong with you?" My dad said as he started getting loud, too.

"Our emotions are running high, but we need to pull together as a family. Sean is fighting for his life. Let's pray. Please." Brandy said as held me as she started getting choked up.

"Brandy, we don't need your input. Not right now." My dad said as he looked Brandy up and down as if he was disgusted.

Brandy and I looked at each other.

My dad has never got smart with her. Ever.

He's always adored Brandy.

"Did he j—"

"Shhh, baby. It's alright. I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Brandy whispered into my ear as she kissed my forehead and held my hand.

Before I could say anything, a doctor came toward us.

"Hightower family? I'm Dr. Will Thompson."

"What's wrong with my son? Is he okay?" My mom said as we quickly got up.

"He's stable right now, but he's going to have to stay in ICU. He suffered cardiac arrest."

"Is that like a heart attack?" Brandy asked as she hugged me.

"It's different. A heart attack is when the blood flow to the heart is blocked. In Mr. Hightower's case, he experience cardiac arrest. His heart had a abnormal rhythm and then it stopped beating. All of these things caused him to collapsed and pass away. He's one lucky man for us to bring him back to life."

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