"You didn't answer me, stranger" The guy smirked.

Zayn wasn't letting it go, "I was staring at a beautiful guy, is it a crime?" He quirked an eyebrow at him.

The guy blushed, his cheeks were scarlet and Zayn felt proud coz he caused it.

"Okay, so first of all, I don't mind anyone's staring, but secondly, be a little less obvious about it"

Zayn was shocked. One second ago, the guy was a blushing mess and now he's ready with a comeback, "I'll keep that in mind"

"Do you wanna order something, coz today I'm your waiter as well as your cook"

Zayn usually isn't a person who stays for chit chat. His friends are numbered. There is Harry, who's also his manager, then Niall and Perrie who are his childhood friends. Recently Ant, who he met in an interview. That's it. He isn't much of a talker. But something about this guy in front of him, made him curious. He wanted to talk to him, know more about him.

Clearly this guy didn't recognize him and Zayn was thankful for that. Most people he met after his stardom were fake. They were only after fame. He didn't really date after becoming a successful singer. He knew beforehand how people like to use others for power and money. But this guy was different, he was treating Zayn like a normal customer.

"What special do you have?"

"It's seven in the morning, stranger. What do you expect me to make? We just have donuts. So you want one?" The guy grinned at him.

That damn smile made Zayn's heart beat erratically.

"Donut sounds good"

The guy went back into the kitchen as Zayn waited for him. The heavy patter of rain was hitting the windows of the cafe. There was no sign this rain would stop anytime soon.

The guy came back with a plate full of chocolate glazed donuts. He sat the plate in front of Zayn.

"Would you fancy a hot coffee or tea?"

"Coffee would be fine" Zayn answered as he took a bite.

The guy put the cup under the coffee maker, "So what were you doing this early, stranger? You're all wet, do you want to change?"

Zayn looked down at himself, he didn't want to catch cold, "I was out for a run, but then it started raining. Um, if it won't be a problem with you, do you have any spare clothes?"

The guy put a cup of coffee in front of him, "My clothes won't fit you, but I have James' clothes. He's the waiter here. Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Liam"

Leeyum, suits him.

"Leeyum" Zayn says.

"No, Li-am, Liam"


"No it's Liam, can't you get a name correct, stranger" Liam huffed annoyingly. He looked so adorable with his nose scrunched and his pouty lips were a major turn on for Zayn.

"But I like it, Leeyum"

Liam blushed and fiddled with his fingers, "Whatever, you don't have a name stranger?"

"I like it when you call me stranger"

Liam rolled his eyes and went inside the kitchen probably to get the clothes. He came back with a T-shirt and jeans.

"You were lucky that he left these here" He handed them to Zayn.

"Where do I change?"

"There's a bathroom inside the kitchen"

Ziam One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now